Use this form to tell us if you get benefits and your income has changed.
You should tell us if:
- you or anyone living with you stops receiving Income Support, Jobseeker’s Allowance, Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Incapacity Benefit or Employment and Support Allowance
- your Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit or Universal Credit changes
- you have a baby
- your child starts to be cared for, or stops being cared for, by a registered childminder
- someone moves into or out of your home (including boarders and sub-tenants)
- your income, or the income of anyone living with you, goes up or down
- you or anyone living with you becomes a student, or takes up a Government Training Scheme
- you or anyone living with you gets a job, changes their job or becomes employed
- you or anyone living with you takes more than one job
- you return to work after a period of illness where you have been receiving benefit
- someone starts to receive Carer’s Allowance for looking after you
- you inherit a property or any money from a will
You will need to provide:
- your name and address
- any other name you have used in the past
- your National Insurance number
- your claim reference number
- your employment details
- your living arrangements
There is currently no save functionality on this form. Please be prepared to complete the form in one session.
If you need help you can: