Use this form to:
- tell us about a change in your savings or capital
You must tell us about a change in your savings or capital within one month of the change. If you don't, you may have to pay money back or you may not get all the money you're entitled to.
To fill in this form, you'll need to provide:
- your contact details
- National Insurance number
- claim reference number
- details of what has changed
- statements or passbooks from your bank, building society and Post Office accounts for the last 2 months
- certificates or documentation for any other investments or capital, including:
- Premium Bonds or National Savings certificates
- PEPs, ISAs, or TESSAs
- annuities
- shares, stocks or unit trusts
- land or property owned - other than your main residence
- funds to pay for funeral costs
- any other capital savings or investment
There is currently no save functionality on this form. Please be prepared to complete the form in one session.
If you need help filling in this form, you can:
Housing Benefit
You are not eligible for housing benefit if your total capital is more than £16,000. Unless you or your partner receives Guarantee Credit from the Pension Service.
Council Tax Reduction
If you're of pensionable age, you're not eligible for Council Tax Reduction if your total capital is more than £16,000. Unless you or your partner receives Guarantee Credit from the Pension Service.
If you're working age, you're not eligible for Council Tax Reduction if your total capital is more than £6,000.