Brighton & Hove has:
- 276,300 residents (2021 Office for National Statistics mid-year population estimates)
- 15% are under 16 years (19% South East, 19% England)
- 72% are aged 16 to 66 years (64% South East, 65% England)
- 10% are aged 67 to 84 years (16% South East, 15% England)
- 2% are 85 years or older (3% South East, 2% England)
Population profile, June 2021

Residents living situation
Over a third of older people live alone. 13,875 residents aged 66 and above (38%) live alone. Significantly higher than the South East (30%) and England (31%).
Brighton & Hove resident density
Brighton & Hove has 7 neighbourhoods in the 1% most densely populated areas in England - (2021 Census).

Residents born outside of the UK
20% of residents were born outside of the UK, compared to 16% in the South East 16% and 17% across England.
45% of international migrants living in Brighton & Hove were born in the EU, compared to 38% in the South East 38% and 36% across England.
108 languages are spoken in schools, including BSL (2023 school census).
30% of children in schools identify as other than White British.
More than a quarter of our residents (26%) are Black and Racially Minoritised (non White UK/British). This is compared to 21% across the South East and 27% across England.
While the overall population of the city has increased by 1%, the number of Black and Racially Minoritised residents has increased by 35% since the last Census. An increase from 53,251 residents in 2011 to 72,272 residents in 2021.
Brighton & Hove is the 131st most deprived local authority in England out of 317 (2019 Index of Multiple Deprivation).
The highest concentration of deprivation is in the Whitehawk, Moulsecoomb and Hollingdean areas. Along the coast, to the west of the city and in Woodingdean there are also pockets of deprivation. All these areas are in the 20% most deprived areas in England.
18.7% of residents aged 60 or over are living in income deprivation (England 14.2%) (2021 Census).
1 in 4 children in the city are living in poverty after housing costs, compared to and average of 1 in 3 across England.
19% of people in Brighton & Hove are disabled compared to 16% in the South East 16% and 17% across England 17% (2021 Census).
Disability by age
This chart shows the age breakdown of those who say their activities are limited a little or a lot due to a physical or mental health condition or illness in Brighton & Hove.

Unpaid care
1 in 12 residents provide unpaid care, compared to 1 in 12 in the South East and 1 in 11 across England.
Children and young people living in care
82 in every 10,000 children and young people (0 to 17 years old) are in care (31 March 2022).
This is compared to 56 in every 10,000 children and young people in the South East and 70 in every 10,000 children and young people across England.
45% of residents say they have a religion. compare to 60% in the South East and 63% across England 63%.
1 in 10 adults (16 years and older) identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Other.
1 in 100 adults (16 years and older) identify as a gender different from their sex registered at birth.
Earnings and tenure
From 2011 to 2021, there has been reduction in homeownership in Brighton & Hove and an increase in private renters.
Those on the lowest 25% of earnings need 12 times their earnings to afford the lowest 25% of house prices (2022).
Proportion of home owners, social renters and private renters from 2011 to 2021