How Sarah uses her eCargo bike
Sarah, who is a Brighton based photographer and teacher in the creative arts sector, was another lucky recipient of an electric cargo bike from our Carbon Neutral Fund.
Sarah uses a Tern GSD S00 Gen2 for transporting her delicate photography equipment between home and colleges. She is also a skateboard coach and uses her Tern ecargo bike to transport skateboards and equipment to stake parks in Brighton & Hove.
Sarah’s motives for wanting a cargo bike were because most of her journeys for work are local. She used to use a camper van for transport and found that running costs were expensive, parking was inconvenient and she was wasting time.
"I’m in the fresh air more. I used to travel in my van. I literally only go from Hove to Brighton town centre. I work at a college, and a couple of schools. One is half a mile up the road from another where I teach skateboarding to girls. The bike can take everything I need. I love using it and it saves so much time.”
Supported by Brighton & Hove’s eCargo Bike Accelerator Project Sarah chose a capable and versatile cargo bike in the Tern GSD S00 Gen2. It’s capable of carrying all the equipment she needs for photography and skateboard coaching, as well as the odd passenger.

Sarah finds herself in the fresh air more riding her bike between appointments and feels much better for riding than driving. Earlier in the year, she was able to sell her van and now finds that’s she is saving on money and time. One thing that Sarah mentioned which was astonishing, was that a cross-town journey in the van during rush hour was about 40 minutes. Using the ecargo bike on the same journey is roughly 15 minutes, which is a massive time saving.
“Sarah says that using a cargo bike can 100% replace a car, reduce journey times and stress. And she doesn’t have to ride that fast either.”
Using the ecargo bike:
- saves time
- means parking is free and easy
- is stress free
- covered over 700 miles saving approximately 0.3 kg of CO2e
Switching to cargo bikes reduces the environmental and social impact of travel and transport in our cities. This contributes towards Brighton & Hove City Council’s Carbon Neutral 2030 goal.