Real-time CIL and Section 106 project funding information
Our searchable EXACOM database allows you find information about individual Community Infrastructure Levy or Section 106 funded projects in your area, including:
- how much developer contributions may be raised
- how much has been collected so far
- how much has been spent
You can search by Ward and by time period. Search our EXACOM database.
In 2021 to 2022 we raised over £5 million in Section 106 money from developments. Projects supported by that funding included:
- £374,000 towards expansion improvements at Varndean School
- £507,000 towards pedestrian sustainable transport improvements
- £440,000 to create new play area and fitness facility at Carden Park
- £100,000 for public art at Circus Street
- £75,000 towards a Rain Garden at Moulsecoomb Primary School
- £48,000 to improve St Ann’s Well Sensory Garden in Hove
The amount of Section 106 money received by the council in 2022/23 reduced from the previous year to £3.6 million. This fall reflects both the introduction of CIL and the lower number of major planning applications being submitted by developers last year.
The Community Infrastructure Levy has now largely replaced Section 106 agreements and covers a much wider range of developments. £2.01 million of CIL receipts were collected in 2022/23.
In 2022/23 over £4.5 million of Section 106 funds were spent on key projects including:
- £1.56 million on our affordable housing scheme at Victoria Road, Portslade
- £924,000 on our affordable housing home purchase scheme
- £636,000 on our citywide playground refurbishment programme
Playgrounds benefited from this funding in Hollingdean Park, Rottingdean Recreation Park, Saltdean Oval, Knoll Park, Woollards Field (Maggie’s Corner) and Queens Park.
The Moulsecoomb Forest Garden & Wildlife Project and Whitehawk Hill North were amongst other City Parks projects to receive funding.
On 31 March 2023 the council’s Section 106 Fund had a balance of over £22m. Since April 2023 a further £9 million has been committed to projects across the city. These include:
- £3.9 million to buy 60 new council homes, including 38 in the Kubic Apartments development, Whitehawk
- A further £800,000 for the playground refurbishment programme
- £1.27 million to put back facilities in the Kingsway to the Sea new public park that would otherwise have had to have been scaled back, and
- £1.4 million in sustainable transport investment, including £630k for pedestrian crossings, drop kerbs and Beryl Bike stations city-wide
Additionally, £6.8 million has been earmarked for future investment to support improvements to school buildings or facilities and the schemes in our Sports Strategy, when they are ready to be taken forward.