Support for victims of sexual violence and abuse
Find help and support if you or someone you know has experienced sexual violence or abuse.
About sexual violence and abuse
Sexual violence and abuse is any behaviour (physical, verbal, virtual or online) perceived to be of a sexual nature, that is inflicted on anyone without their informed consent or understanding.
Types of behaviour include:
- controlling
- coercive
- exploitative
- harmful
- unwanted
This can happen to anyone no matter what your age, ethnicity, religion, gender, ability or disability or sexual orientation is.
There are many different kinds of sexual violence and abuse, including:
- rape
- sexual abuse - including in childhood
- sexual assault
- sexual harassment
- forced marriage
- so-called honour-based violence
- female genital mutilation (FGM)
- sexual exploitation - including child sexual exploitation)
Sexual violence and abuse can take place in the community or online. The abuser might be someone you know or they could be a stranger. It could be someone in your family or your partner.
"It was easier to say nothing, let him get on with it…I felt so ashamed, like somehow, it was my fault. I felt worthless, outside I probably seemed…normal…nobody knew what was happening behind closed doors...inside I was just empty".
Childhood sexual abuse
Historical child sexual abuse is an allegation of sexual abuse made by or on behalf of someone who is now 18 years or over. It relates to an incident which took place when the alleged victim was under 18 years old.
Many people who were abused in childhood believe that they're to blame and that the abuse was their fault. But this is never the case - a child cannot consent to abuse.
Whether the abuse happened once or hundreds of times, a year or 70 years ago, whatever the circumstances, there are people who can help. It's never too late.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment is when:
- someone calls you insulting sexual names
- talks about you in a sexual way that makes you feel uncomfortable - like commenting on your body
- spreads sexual rumours about you
This could happen in person, over the phone, or online.
Sexual assault
Sexual assault is when:
- someone intentionally grabs or touches you in a sexual way that you do not like
- you’re forced to kiss someone or do something else sexual against your will
This includes sexual touching of any part of someone’s body. It makes no difference whether you're clothed or not.
Street harassment
Street harassment is when sexual harassment is perpetrated by a stranger in a public place.
This can be very threatening and scary. Many women report experiencing some form of street harassment.
Street harassment is the focus of an international campaign called Hollaback.
Community safety partnership directory
Find support services for victims of:
- domestic or sexual abuse
- anti-social behaviour or hate incidents