Request help and support
Contacts for emergency help with food, energy and other essentials, and other useful advice.
Request help and support
If you are of pensionable age and struggling to pay your energy bills because you no longer receive a Winter Fuel Payment, you can:
- complete our online Brighton & Hove fuel payment and energy support form.
- phone our Community Hub helpline on 01273 293 117 and select option 2
The Community Hub helpline operates Monday to Friday from 10am to 4.30pm. We can help you apply for Pension Credit, provide financial support and offer advice on keeping warm this winter.
If you are eligible for means-tested benefits and need help to pay for essentials you can't live without, you can:
- apply for help from our Local Discretionary Social Fund
- phone our LDSF helpline on 01273 293 117 and select option 1.
The LDSF helpline operates Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 1.30pm.
For queries relating to the Homes for Ukraine Scheme, phone 01273 293 117 and select option 2. You'll be directed to the Community Hub.
If you are over 18, require food or shopping related support and can afford to pay for this, phone 01273 293 117 and select option 3. You'll be directed to Food Support at Impact Initiatives.
You can also send an email to for further advice.
Emergency help with food, energy bills and other essentials
Pension Credit
To check if you’re eligible for Pension Credit, go to the Pension Credit calculator.
You can apply for Pension Credit on the website. To receive a Winter Fuel Payment this year, you need to apply before 21 December and request for your application to be back-dated by 3 months.
If you need help applying for Pension Credit, or are struggling to afford to heat your home, please:
- complete our online Brighton & Hove fuel payment and energy support form.
- phone our Community Hub helpline on 01273 293 117 and select option 2
Local Discretionary Social Fund
If you receive benefits and need help to pay for essentials you can't live without, apply for help from our Local Discretionary Social Fund.
Food, shopping and meals
If you need help with food, shopping and meal deliveries, send an email to
Debt advice
Go to our financial advice page.
Business advice
Go to our support for your business page.
Keep active and well
Visit our Health and wellbeing pages for advice on how to stay active and well.
Libraries offer free digital libraries services for all members. If you aren’t a member, you can join our online library service.
Looking after someone else
Get advice and support with looking after someone from The Carers Hub.
Domestic and sexual abuse and violence
Find advice and support for domestic or sexual abuse or violence.
Help for adults that need care and support
Find advice and support for adults that need care and support.
Report a hate crime
Find out how to report anti-social behaviour or a hate incident in your neighbourhood.
Digital support
If you need guidance and support to access a device or get connected to the internet you can contact Digital Brighton & Hove.
- email
- phone the Digital Helpline on 07475 946084 to get help from one of our volunteer Digital Champions. Leave a message with your name, phone number and what help you need.
If you're already online but need some help, you can get free one-to-one remote digital support from AbilityNet. Phone 0800 048 7642 to get support.
Translations and interpreting
Phone interpreters are available on our community hub number. Phone 01273 293 117 (option 2) Monday to Friday, 10am to 4.30pm.
British Sign Language
If you need help from the council about things like food banks, benefits, housing or rubbish collections you can register with the Signlive Community Directory.
Adult social care hub
Our adult social care hub has information in British Sign language. Find information, advice and links to support services.