Woodingdean Methodist Church
Woodingdean Methodist Church hall is used for community activities. The Coffee Shop provides a welcoming space.
Activities offered include:
- informal coffee morning: chat, company, friendship
- men's club: activity-based meeting with snooker, short mat bowls, card and board games
- regular planned outings and men's breakfast club
- CAMEO club: a programme of speakers and activities throughout the year
Food and drink
- Coffee Shop: Drinks and light snacks. A donation of £1.00 is normal.
- Men's Club: The afternoon fee is £3.00, all teas, cakes and other items are included.
- CAMEO Club: Usually £1.50 donation per meeting or £22.00 per year all refreshments included.
Woodingdean Methodist Church, The Ridgway, Woodingdean, BN2 6PA
Contact information
01273 303 641
Opening times
- Coffee Shop: Thursdays 10am - 12:30pm
- Men's Club: Tuesdays 2pm - 4:30pm
- CAMEO Club: Monday afternoons to a programme 2pm - 4pm
Other information
The venue is a well-appointed hall that is used widely for community activities. The Coffee Shop is a well-established activity providing a welcoming space.
Easily reached on a No.2 bus.
A full range of other activities are available at the church, shown on the website.
We're GDPR compliant and have received training in Health & Safety and Safeguarding.