Barnardos is a charity that supports disabled children, and enables parents and carers to take a regular break from their caring responsibilities.
Barnardos is a charity that supports disabled children and their families. Our services also enable parents and carers to take a regular break from their caring responsibilities.
We offer several specialist services:
- short breaks for disabled children and young people in their own home, including overnight stays
- home support workers to support disabled children and their siblings in their own home or in the local community
- contract carers, for children and young people on the autistic spectrum or with challenging behaviour
- full time or shared care placements for disabled children and young people who are unable to live with their birth family
- specialist training and support available to carers.
How to get support from us
You need to have had a social care assessment from Brighton & Hove City Council. If the social care team agrees you are in need of our services, they will refer you to us. Please note, there is a significant waiting list for our services.
325-327 Old Shoreham Road, Hove, BN3 7GS
Contact information
01273 411 767
If as a result of your social care assessment Brighton & Hove City Council agrees you are in need of our services, they will arrange them.