Childcare and early years providers for children with SEND
Find childcare and early years provision for children with SEND.
Looking for childcare? Search the Brighton & Hove Family Service Directory.
You can find:
- childminder
- nurseries and pre-school
- after school clubs
- holiday playschemes
The Family Hubs also provide an At Home Childcare Service for parents in Brighton & Hove. You can learn more about this on the website, and search for an At Home Childcarer.
You can also find information about childcare funding on the directory, including free childcare for two, three and four year olds.
Finding the right childcare or early years provider can be more complex when your child has SEND. Learn more about how early years and childcare providers support children with SEND.
The directory also provides information on other services for Brighton & Hove families.
How to get support from us
Search the online Family Service Directory.
If you're having trouble finding what you're looking for, get in touch. Our Childcare Brokerage Officer may be able to help.
Contact information
01273 293 545
The directory is free to use.