Family Information Service (FIS)
Council service that provides information and advice about childcare and support for families.
The Family Information Service is part of the council's Front Door for Families. We offer a wide range of information and advice on childcare and services that can support families.
We can help with topics such as:
- childcare
- childcare funding
- family breakdown
- money
- benefits
- finding employment
You can find fact sheets on a wide range of topics on our directory. You can also search for local services or childcare.
We also offer practical help and support, for example:
- referrals to foodbanks and other agencies offering support
- advice on benefits and debt and navigating the system - including welfare reform
- applications to charitable grants for essential goods, for example, beds, cots, 'white goods'
- help with Discretionary Social Fund applications
- advice about getting back to work
How to get support from us
Go to our Family Service Directory to search for local services or childcare, or read our fact sheets. You can also get advice and information from our Family Hubs.
Contact information
01273 293 545
Opening times
Phone lines are open 9.30am to 1.30pm Monday to Friday