Front Door For Families
Tell us if you are worried about a child or a young person, and ask for help for your family or someone else's family.
We offer a single point of contact for services for children and families, called Front Door for Families.
Contact us if you are worried about a child or a young person, and ask for help for your family or someone else's family. We may be able to offer support, guidance or access to specialist targeted services.
Our service is made up of professionals with different areas of expertise. We work together to support children, young people and their families where there are concerns.
Front Door for Families was formed when three services merged: the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH), Early Help Hub, and Family Information Service.
How we help children and families.
How to get support from us
Use our online form if you want to tell us about a child you are worried about, or need advice.
You can complete the form as a parent or carer, member of the public or a professional. You also have the choice to remain anonymous if you want to.
You can also contact us by phone or email.
Contact information
01273 290400
Opening times
Phone lines are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 9am to 4:30pm on Fridays.
Outside of these hours please contact the Emergency Duty Service on 01273 335 905 or 01273 335 906.