ru-ok? works with under 18s whose lives are affected by substance misuse in Brighton & Hove.
ru-ok? works with under 18s whose lives are affected by substance misuse in Brighton & Hove. We offer free, confidential advice and support.
We can help you if you’re under 18, you live (or go to school or college) in Brighton & Hove, and drugs, alcohol or legal highs are:
Making you do things you regret
Having a bad impact on your home or family life or your personal relationships
Getting you into trouble at school / college / work
Getting you involved in crime or in trouble with the police
Putting your housing at risk
Making you feel like you can’t cope without getting drunk / high
We are here to listen to you and to support you, not judge you or lecture you. Check out our FAQs for more information about what we do.
If you're over 18, you can get support from Brighton & Hove recovery service.
How to get support from us
You can call, email or drop in if you have questions or would like to make an appointment. Alternatively, you may be referred to us by someone that supports you, like a social worker or GP.
South Wing, 1 Regency Road, Brighton, BN1 2RU
Contact information
01273 293966
Opening times
Monday to Thursday 9am to 5pm
Friday 9am to 4:30pm
Contact us if you have accessibility needs
Other information
We are located in Regency Road (the West Street end) as you approach the entrance to Churchill Square car park.