Southdown is a charity providing specialist housing, care and support services throughout Sussex. All our services are free, and are for people aged 18+ (or 16+ for some services).
How we can help:
- housing and housing support
- mental health and employment support
- learning disability support
Housing and housing support
We provide a range of housing and homelessness prevention support. As well as focussing on your immediate housing need, we also address other issues that are putting your housing at risk. For example, poverty, mental health challenges and domestic abuse.
We are also a specialist housing provider. Southdown tenancies can only be accessed via the Housing Register. We cannot respond to direct enquiries about housing.
Mental health and employment support
We provide a range of mental health and employment support services across Sussex. Our aim is to support people to get well, stay well and prevent crisis.
Some of the services we offer in Brighton & Hove include:
- Brighton & Hove Recovery College - workshops and courses on mental health topics
- The Wellbeing Hub - learn new skills and get involved in groups and activities
- The Lighthouse - specialist support for people experiencing personality disorders and emotional intensity
- Staying Well space - out-of-hours crisis prevention support
- Health and Wellbeing service - for people with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis
- Work and Wellbeing - specialist employment support for people living with mental health challenges
We are also part of UOK - a central access point for community-based mental health services in Brighton & Hove.
Learning disability support
We provide specialist accommodation and support for people with learning and physical disabilities. An Adult Social Care Assessment is required to access this support.
How to get support from us
This varies depending on the service. Some of our services have specific eligibility criteria or access routes. Other services are open to anyone who is aged 18+, and lives in Brighton & Hove. View our website for more information.
Contact information
2 Bell Lane, Lewes, BN7 1JU
Contact phone
Enquiries email
Date and time
Monday to Thursday from 8:30am to 5pm, and Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.