Health and care advice How to get help from the learning disability team, stay well in winter and information about COVID-19. Transition into adulthoodWhat to do when you start transition planning into adulthood. Help to find housing and other support. Housing and supportEasy read information on what your housing options are when you turn 18 and what support you can get. Travelling around the cityFind out about toilets, parking and public transport in easy read. Find links to council services. Benefits and PensionsFind links to information about benefits and pensions in easy read. Support for disabled children and young peopleFind out about our local offer and our commitment to children and young people in easy read. Jobs, education and trainingEasy read information about finding a job and how the Youth Employment can help you. Voting in electionsEasy read guide on how to register to vote and how to vote in elections. Council plans in easy readThis page has links to easy read information for other council services. Events and activitiesEasy read information on how to find links about about staying healthy and what's happening in the city. Digital inclusionFind links to information and resources to help you gain digital skills and confidence.