Pregnancy and abortion

Find out about your options for when you are pregnant.

Easy Health logo
Pregnant person
Mother pushing pram with baby in it.
Pregnant person with 'Stop' sign over the top.
Mother with smiling child.
Female doctor with white shirt and stethoscope.
Male doctor sitting at desk talking to a woman.
Stethoscope on pregnant woman's stomach.
Person holding up a piece of fruit, surrounded by healthy food. Woman breastfeeding a child.
BPAS logo
NCT logo
FPA logo
Tommy's logo
Pregnant person with 'Stop' sign over the top.
Box of medication and two surgeons in front of an operating table
Male doctor sitting at desk talking to a woman.
BPAS logo
Brook logo
FPA logo
Marie Stopes International logo
Mother with smiling child.
Mother holding small child in arms
Policeman with law in background
Woman sat at desk in front of computer.
CoramBAAF logo.
PAC UK logo
Cafcass logo
Family rights group logo