Pregnancy and abortion
Find out about your options for when you are pregnant.

This information was by, using NHS information.

If you are pregnant, these are your choices:

Carry on with your pregnancy and become a parent

Stop your pregnancy with an abortion
An abortion is when you stop your pregnancy before the birth.

Have your child adopted or fostered
Your child will be looked after by someone else.
Carry on with your pregnancy and become a parent

Book an appointment with your doctor or midwife.
They will find out when your child will be born.

They will explain what happens when you are pregnant.
You will see your doctor and midwife for regular check ups. This is called ‘antenatal care’.

Your midwife or doctor will check that you and your child are well.
They may suggest you go to antenatal classes.

Here you will learn helpful things like:
- giving birth
- staying healthy
- breast feeding
Pregnancy and parenting contacts

BPAS (The British Pregnancy Advisory Service)
For unplanned pregnancy options, advice, counselling and abortion treatment.
Phone 0333 254 9581

NCT (National Child Trust)
Pregnancy and birth helpline
Phone 030 0330 3772

Stop your pregnancy with an abortion

An abortion is when you stop your pregnancy before the birth.

This can be done by taking 2 different types of pills or having an operation

You will need to talk to a professional to tell them how you feel about your pregnancy.
If you decide to have an abortion you will need to have some medical checks.
An abortion must be done before you are 5 months pregnant (24 weeks). This will be explained to you.
Abortion contacts

BPAS (The British Pregnancy Advisory Service)
For unplanned pregnancy options, advice, counselling and abortion treatment.
Phone 0333 254 9581

Have your child adopted or fostered

This is when your child lives with another family for a while or forever.
It may be hard to give your child to someone else

Your child may be able to come home and live with you when you are ready.
Social Services will talk to you about this.

It may be hard to give your child to someone else.
Once your child has been adopted you cannot have your baby back.

Social Services will talk to you about this.
It may be helpful to speak to someone you trust

Cafcass advises the family courts about the welfare of children and what is in their best interests.
Phone 0844 353 3350

We support families to work with social workers and understand the law, their rights and options.