Information and Brighton & Hove City Council details
Local Authority Officer
Samuel Rouse
Report Reference Number
ASR 2022
June 2022
Field Officer Team for changing tube samples 2021
TRL for data management of roadside analysers
Executive summary: Air quality in our area
Since 2018 air quality in Brighton & Hove had become cleaner for noxious pollutants, especially for the city centre, around bus and railway station hubs and the main hospital.
2020 included the strictest travel restrictions associated with Covid-19 and as expected, since that time the rate of pollution improvement has slowed. The first quarter of 2020 predated these changes, whilst 2021 continued with lower levels of commuting. The city has become more dependent on vehicle trips for servicing and online delivery. That said, the last 24-month period (2020-2021) was much cleaner than the long-term ‘normal’ that predated it.
2021 monitoring at Preston Park indicated the second lowest year for outdoor Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) since 2012. A slight increase was recorded at the site compared to 2020. This differs to the majority of Portslade, Hove, Central Brighton and Rottingdean where the lowest annual NO2 to date was recorded in 2021. Detailed trends in local pollution levels are presented in this report.
Monitoring of fine particles in air, that is outdoor PM2.5 across the city, indicated an increase for 2021 compared to 2020. It is not clear if this change was regional or localised. Further monitoring is required to determine the contribution to fine airborne particles from domestic burning, outdoor fires, fireworks, haulage, construction, and shipping. Airborne particles measured by regional monitoring networks can be affected by agriculture, weather patterns and climate change. The impact on particulate pollution from vehicle exhausts has diminished. This decade noxious exhaust emissions (gases) from legacy diesels are likely to continue to be a significant contribution to outdoor particles. There is now a very small contribution of sooty particles directly from vehicle exhausts. Where vehicles (especially heavy ones) accelerate and reduce speed rapidly tyre, brake and road wear, release particles to soil, water, and air.
Air quality in Brighton & Hove City Council
Air pollution is associated with related adverse health impacts. It is recognised as a contributing factor in the onset of heart disease and cancer. Air pollution affects the most vulnerable in society: children, the elderly, and those with existing heart and lung conditions.
There is also often a strong correlation with equalities issues because areas with poor air quality are also often less affluent areas (Public Health England. Air Quality: A Briefing for Directors of Public Health, 2017, Defra. Air quality and social deprivation in the UK: an environmental inequalities analysis, 2006)
That said, Brighton has a cosmopolitan centre with relatively high pollution levels, compared with less affluent outer areas (such as Whitehawk) with well-ventilated cleaner air. During the life course, to varying degrees inhalation of smoke and gases can affect everyone’s health.
The mortality burden of air pollution within the UK is equivalent to 28,000 to 36,000 deaths at typical ages (Defra. Air quality appraisal: damage cost guidance, July 2021), with a total estimated healthcare cost to the NHS and social care of £157 million in 2017 (Public Health England. Estimation of costs to the NHS and social care due to the health impacts of air pollution: summary report, May 2018).
The most plentiful pollutant close to roadside environments is NO2.Concentrations at roadside have improved with 2020 and 2021 being the cleanest years in a long-term sequence since 2005 and 2010. That said monitoring at Preston Park (remote from roads) suggests a small increase in NO2 since 2020. Smaller parts of Brighton & Hove’s AQMAs last amended in 2020 continue to exceed national standards for NO2. Parts of the urban fringe and South Downs National Park are close to meeting stricter World Health Organisation guidelines for NO2 and particles and are effectively a ‘green lung or fresh air space’ for respite and activity. Gaseous emissions of oxides of nitrogen from road traffic and gas boilers are a factor in the formation of nitrate particles and a precursor to regional ozone pollution.
Ozone and particles occur as spring or summer episodes (hours or days) across the South-East region. Oxides of nitrogen is emitted from low temperature diesel exhausts and gas boilers during the winter. Smoke arises from outdoor fires (usually summer and autumn) and domestic building chimneys during the heating season. The highest particulate days in a year can happen on any date, for example warm still, conditions during August. The highest PM2.5 day (24-hour average) in a calendar year is often, but not always the 5 November. Monitoring in Brighton & Hove during 2021 indicated everyday had a PM2.5 24-hour average of less than 25 µg/m3. A new target recommendation is to reduce the number of days in the year that are more than 15 µg/m3 PM2.5 in-line with the most up to date World Health Organisation guidelines. This is consistent with working towards an annual average of 5 µg/m3 for PM2.5 and the feedback Brighton and Hove have given to the national consultation on air quality standards.
The council will continue to monitor local air quality and pollution levels in the city.
Through much of the calendar year pollution levels tend to be highest in declared Air Quality Management Areas that can be viewed by selecting AQMA boundaries and zooming into the local details. Whilst Brighton & Hove AQMAs are small compared to London and Birmingham, population density and visitor numbers are very high, so thousands of people are affected, by air quality in these areas. The last declaration can be found at: Brighton & Hove AQMA Orders 2020.
How Brighton & Hove manages air quality is complimented with joint working with Sussex-Air Promoting better Air Quality in Sussex.
In particular we welcome ties with:
- local bus operators
- The NHS
- asthma care
- The Director of Public Health
- Universities
- DfT
- Defra, UK
- The Office for Zero Emission Vehicles
- The Environment Agency
- Highways England
Actions to improve air quality
Whilst air quality has improved significantly in recent decades and national policy decisions, will help to continue long term trends, there are some areas where local action is needed to add value and improve air quality further. We monitor substantial pollution improvement around bus hubs, the main railway station and hospital (a construction site for several years to date).
Since COVID-19 was most prevalent, transport, motorway-use and tourism have shown strong recovery. We are aware that the vehicle fleet is becoming older, and it is now challenging for households and smaller businesses to buy nearly new vehicles with lower emission rates. There is a potential risk for local air quality, road space and parking as larger cars and vans become more popular.
The 2019 Defra Clean Air Strategy sets out the case for action, with goals to reduce exposure to harmful pollutants. The Road to Zero (DfT. The Road to Zero: Next steps towards cleaner road transport and delivering our Industrial Strategy, July 2018) sets out the approach to reduce exhaust emissions from road transport through a series of mechanisms; this is extremely important given that the majority of Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are designated due to elevated outdoor concentrations of NO2, heavily influenced by transport emissions.
Over the last year local bus operators and the city council have continued to reduce bus emissions with procurement of cleaner hybrid buses and exhaust upgrades of older double decker buses. Supported by the DEFRA air quality grant and local bus operator the project to upgrade bus exhausts continues during 2022. Our target is that all frequent buses in Brighton & Hove and across Sussex will meet the Ultralow Emissions Standard. The project is continuing to make significant contribution to the substantial reduction in roadside NO2, especially where several bus routes use the same street.
During the past year Brighton & Hove has made further progress with, fast bus ticketing contactless and the Brighton & Hove Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP). Public consultations have been processed on the Local Transport Plan and the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. One significant finding of the city council’s 2021 consultations so far, is that three-quarters of respondents (mostly local residence) ranked reducing pollution and improving air quality as one of their highest priorities.
There is interest in allocating more space for active travel and buses, expanding Ultralow Emission options, and increasing the proportion of vehicles that are zero exhaust capable. A pilot project will consult the public on liveable city centre plans for reducing traffic and emissions.
Considerable progress has been made in the last year in securing funding for air quality investigations including outdoor monitoring of pollutants. This will help to progress community engagement and awareness raising, with regard to the health risks of emissions and the benefits of active travel.
Conclusions and priorities
Following reductions in recent years, the rate of pollution improvement has slowed 2021. That said monitoring around the main railway and busy bus areas suggests pollution has reduced substantially up to 2021. Most of the suburbs have low levels of pollution. Further improvements in these areas are likely to be relatively small or strongly influenced by the regional situation, national and international policy.
A few roadside hotspots within designated AQMAs continue to show evidence of exceeding established national standards for Nitrogen Dioxide, these areas are smaller than at any time since monitoring began nearly thirty years ago. The highest levels of local pollution are found in AQMA1:
- Lewes Road A270 north-east of Elm Grove and approaching Vogue Gyratory onto Hollingdean Road
- London Road between Cheapside, Brunswick Row and Oxford Street
- North Street east of the Clock Tower continues to improve
- New England Road A270 including close to the railway bridge and the eastern end of Old Shoreham Road
- Viaduct Terrace and Grand Parade A23, south of Richmond Parade
In need of continued improvement in emission and outdoor pollution levels:
- AQMA5 The Drove (west of the railway) connected to South Street
- AQMA3 Wellington Road and Trafalgar Road, South Portslade
- AQMA2 Rottigndean High Street, especially adjacent to the A259 and at ground floor level
- AQMA1 Frederick Place, North Laine
The AQMAs reviewed in 2020 will be retained. Priority during 2022 will be to:
- Analyse responses received from the public consultation on the AQAP
- Equalities Impact Assessment and AQAP report for consideration of the City Council’s Environment Transport and Sustainability (ETS) committee
- Further air quality investigation including model updates and continued monitoring
- Confirm, AQMA4 and AQMA6 are compliant with all national air quality standards and local objectives 2022 and 2023.
- Emission reduction and traffic monitoring around AQMA1, AQMA2, AQMA3 and AQMA5
Our monitoring strategy will need to prioritise AQMAs, the Royal Sussex Hospital, the liveable city centre, GP surgeries, portside haulage routes, long-term construction sites and select school sites. Fortunately, most local schools with playing fields and are set back from busy roads and have relatively clean air. Children spend about 15% of the year at school. Useful information can be gained from assessing different settings and environments.
It will be important to ensure that proposed Low Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) that have low pollution levels to start with, do not divert road traffic emission into AQMA roads with relatively high pollution. The city has residential use adjacent with main roads (within 9 metres of constant road traffic emissions), including business use with accommodation. It is common for retail premises at roadside to change their planning use to ground and first floor residential and for student accommodation developments at roadside. Common mitigation includes a ventilation strategy to draw fresher air from the backs at tops of roadside buildings.
Local engagement and how to get involved
The public Air Quality Action Plan has been open for eight weeks. Invitation to comment in this period has been sent to many community groups, local and national organisations.
Everyone can do a little bit to help improve local air quality in the city or their neighbourhood. For example, the travel and heating choices we all make have an adverse or beneficial impact on the air everyone breathes:
Healthy Travel Choice Hierarchy
- Active Travel – walking, cycling and roller booting
- Battery assisted bicycles
- Public Transport
- Electric car or van
- Battery vehicle with a range extender
- Petrol‐electric hybrid vehicle
- Small petrol engine
- Diesel hybrid vehicle
- Small diesel with effective exhaust mitigation
- Large diesel without exhaust mitigation
Healthy Heating and Cooling Hierarchy
- Renewably generated electricity without combustion with passive house and grid balancing energy storage
- Electric grid or local microgeneration without emissions to air
- Biogas fired boilers (Ultralow NOx)
- Natural gas fired boilers (Ultralow NOx) piped not including chilled LNG
- Combined Heat and Power (CHP) gas combustion (emits NOx and CO2)
- LNG with high transportation and energy costs CO2 emissions
- Pellet Stoves particles when burn starts
- Log burning in an open fireplace with risk of smoke
- Domestic waste-wood burning is resourceful, but can proudce various emissions
- Diesel generators that emit smoke
- Heavy fuel oil with various emissions
- Coal burning with sulphurous emissions
Local responsibilities and commitment
This ASR was prepared by the Transport Department of Brighton & Hove Council with the support of the following officers and departments:
- Parking Strategy
- Public Transport
- Environmental Health
- Public Health
- City Clean
- City Parks
- Tourism
- Planning
- Fleet Management
- Taxi Licencing
- Trading Standards
- Equalities
- Performance
- Communications
Following the 2022 AQAP our schedule is to approve 2023 appraised ASR by Director of City Transport and the Director of Public Health who from time-to-time chair the City Council’s Air Quality Programme Board (AQPB).
If you have any comments on this ASR send and email to:
1. Local air quality management
This report provides an overview of air quality in Brighton & Hove during and up to 2021. It fulfils the requirements of Local Air Quality Management (LAQM) as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995) and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents.
The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. This year there is a national consultation on whether UK air quality targets should be more stringent. Where an exceedance of established national standards is considered likely the local authority must declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the standards. This Annual Status Report (ASR) is an annual requirement showing the strategies employed by Brighton and Hove to improve air quality and any progress that has been made.
The statutory air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England are presented in Table E.1.
2. Actions to improve air quality
2.1 Air Quality Management Areas
Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are declared when there is an exceedance or likely exceedance of an air quality standard. After declaration, the authority should prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of compliance with all objectives.
A summary of AQMAs declared by Brighton and Hove can be found in Table 2.1. The table presents a description of six AQMA(s) that are currently designated within Brighton and Hove. Appendix D: Map(s) of Monitoring Locations and AQMAs provides maps of AQMA(s) and also the air quality monitoring locations in relation to the AQMA(s). The air quality objectives pertinent to the current AQMA designation(s) are as follows:
- NO2 annual mean for all areas
- NO2 hourly mean for AQMA1 and AQMA6
There are plans to review the AQMAs. last amended in 2020.
Table 2.1 – Declared Air Quality Management Areas
2.2 Progress and Impact of Measures to address Air Quality in Brighton & Hove
Defra’s appraisal of last year’s ASR summarised as follows:
- The recently amended and declared AQMAs
- The number of diffusion tube monitors compared with the previous year and how NO2 had decreased at the highest (kerbside) monitoring site in the cities Ultralow Emission Zone
- The need for a new Air Quality Action Plan around the same time as a new Local Transport Plan and Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) requiring public consultation and analysis of the responses
An acknowledgement of:
- Quality assurance procedures included in the 2021 ASR
- Public Health Outcomes Framework indicating measures to reduce PM2.5
- Impacts opportunities and challenges brought about by COVID-19
- The distinction of monitoring areas distinguished by AQMAs and roads
Following new AQMA declarations and the DERRA feedback received, monitoring has been reinstated in AQMA4 and AQMA6, so previous year results can be reported in this ASR. A map of all Brighton & Hove’s AQMAs and each one in turn is provided in Appendix D. In their appraisal DEFRA supported the review of AQMAs, followed by public consultations related to the AQAP.
Brighton & Hove have taken forward a number of direct measures during the current reporting year of 2021 in pursuit of improving local air quality. Details of all measures completed, in progress or planned are set out in Table 2.2. Where there have been, or continue to be, barriers restricting the implementation of the measure, these are also presented within Table 2.2. That said the plan will be changed and updated following feedback and analysis of extensive public consultation and elected members will have the chance to have their say at committee.
More detail on local initiatives can be found in their respective, Local Transport Plan, City Plan, Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Plan and Carbon Neutrality 2030. The AQAP consultation is scheduled to run until July 2022. At the time of writing there are approaching 250 responses to the AQAP consultation which will take some weeks to analyse.
The 5 main priorities are set out as:
- Active Travel
- Reducing Emission from vehicles
- Development Control and Planning
- Working with Partners
- Assessment (monitoring and mapping) awareness raising and public engagement
Brighton & Hove expect to manage monitoring and modelling over the next year with a target to spend allocated DEFRA-air quality and carbon neutral funds within two years.
Brighton & Hove worked to implement these measures in partnership with the following stakeholders during 2021:
- Sussex Air Quality Partnership
- Brighton & Hove Bus Company
- Bureau Veritas
The principal challenges and barriers to implementation that Brighton and Hove anticipate facing are time required for tendering and procurement. Permissions for further monitoring installations are expected to be agreed by the time of the next ASR.
Finalisation of a new AQAP report has been slower than expected due to twenty public consultations carried out by the Transport and Parking Department during 2021. That said several measures in the ongoing AQAP are completed or ongoing.
Brighton & Hove anticipate that the measures stated above and in Table 2.2 and broader trends will help achieve national compliance for a growing city and its AQMAs. The aim to surpass national standards and set new targets such as a local objective of 30 µg/m3 NO2 annual mean (WHO interim guide) by 2027.
This level of ambition is timetabled before carbon neutrality schedules that are pledged by the city and region. Looking beyond ULEZ or Clean Air Zone policies (euro-VI emission standard), it is anticipated there will be progression with electrification of transport and buildings. Alternatives to fossil fuel combustion will be more commonplace for business and economic growth. For the second half of the new AQAP period (2022 to 2027) we would expect local air quality and climate policy agendas to become more closely aligned.
Whilst the measures stated above and in Table 2.2 will help to contribute towards compliance, Brighton and Hove anticipates that further additional measures not yet prescribed will be required in subsequent years to achieve 2021 World Health Organisation guidelines for air quality.
Table 2.2 – Progress on Funded Measures to Improve Air Quality (following 2022 Action Plan Public Consultation)
2.3 PM2.5 – Local Authority Approach to Reducing Emissions and/or Concentrations
As detailed in Policy Guidance LAQM.PG16 (Chapter 7), local authorities are expected to work towards reducing emissions and/or concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less). There is clear evidence that PM2.5 has a significant impact on human health, including premature mortality, allergic reactions, and cardiovascular diseases.
Whilst the tiny airborne particles are not defined by composition or toxicology, when inhaled they can be drawn deep into the respiratory tract, crossing over into the blood stream. PM2.5 is referred to in section 6.49 of the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and is linked with the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF). PHOF sets out a vison for public health “to protect the nations health and improve the health of the poorest fastest”.
Brighton & Hove is taking the following measures to address PM2.5:
- The phasing out of pre-euro-V emission buses (registered before October 2008) reduces particulate emissions from the frequent bus fleet. Older buses remain for rail replacement services, driver training or heritage days. City council, taxi and haulage fleets have also made progress in phasing our pre-euro 5 vehicles
- Scheduled for 2022 >90% of regular bus services will surpass the ULEZ, euro-VI emission standards this will further reduce oxides of nitrogen that are precursors to the formation of nitrate particles in the atmosphere, and also help reduce N2O a potent greenhouse gas
- The council is in talks with University of London regarding improving true wheel alignment and tyre pressure to reduce tyre and road wear and particulate releases to air
- Construction Environment Management Plans have progressively more stringent emissions standards for Non-Road Mobile Machinery that includes bulldozers, dumpers, and cranes, it recommended going forwards these standards are enforced especially on major projects, development areas, in or near AQMAs
- Static diesel generators are discouraged for building and road work events, especially those in the city centre that are likely to last more than a few days
- Members have requested that officers consider declaration of a citywide Smoke Control Area (SCA). Parliament approved amendments to the Environment Act (2021) sets out stronger powers for Local Authorities
- In the interests of communal health, the council issued a series of public statements discouraging indoor and outdoor domestic burning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Further press releases on reducing seasonal burning and a new pamphlet outlining the risks of air pollutants due to bonfires in the city
- To complement Defra’s automatic urban rural monitoring network (site at Preston Park) the City Council has for several years monitored PM2.5 adjacent to Lewes Road and North Street
- Brighton & Hove has secured funds for further PM2.5 monitorng in the city (and accorss Sussex) with a view to delivering a reliable network
- Further guidance is available under the PM2.5 and Action Planning section of Technical Guidance LAQM.TG16 (Chapter 2).
There were no 24 hour periods during 2021 with moderate levels of PM2.5 or concentrations more than the 2005 WHO daily recommended level. Further details are given in Table A8. 2021 WHO recommendations have been published since the writing of the 2020 ASR and it suggested the council adopt interim targets based on the most ambitious guidelines.
3. Air quality monitoring data and comparison with air quality objectives and national compliance
This section sets out the monitoring undertaken within 2021 by Brighton and Hove and how it compares with the relevant air quality objectives. In addition, monitoring results are summarised in tabular form for the five-year period between 2017 and 2021, to allow monitoring trends to be identified and discussed.
3.1. Summary of monitoring undertaken
3.1.1. Automatic Monitoring Sites
Brighton & Hove undertook automatic (continuous) monitoring at two sites during 2021. In addition, the park monitor in Preston Park is run by DEFRA as part of the UK Automatic Urban Rural Network (AURN). Monitoring is available from the University of Brighton You can now check air quality at their Falmer campus south of the A27 trunk road and the Brighton to Lewes railway. Table A.1 in Appendix A shows the details of the automatic monitoring sites. NB. Local authorities do not have to report annually on the following pollutants: 1,3 butadiene, benzene, carbon monoxide and lead. The Sussex Air Network page presents automatic monitoring results for Brighton & Hove and across the county with Preston Park and other AURN results also available through Defra's Data Archive.
Maps showing the location of the monitoring sites in Brighton & Hove are provided in Appendix D. Further details on how the monitors are calibrated and how the data has been adjusted are included in Appendix C. Sussex have won funds for additional regulatory standard monitors, with scheduled installation starting during the next year.
3.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites
Brighton & Hove undertook non-automatic (passive) monitoring of NO2 at 54 sites during 2021. Table A.2 in Appendix A presents the details of the non-automatic sites.
Maps showing the location of the monitoring sites are provided in Appendix D. Further details on Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for the diffusion tubes, including bias adjustments and any other adjustments applied (e.g. annualisation and/or distance correction), are included in Appendix C.
3.2 Individual Pollutants
The air quality monitoring results presented in this section are, where relevant, adjusted for bias, annualisation (where the annual mean data capture is below 75% and greater than 25%), and distance correction. Further details on adjustments are provided in Appendix C.
3.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
Table A.3 and Table A.4 in Appendix A compare the ratified and adjusted monitored NO2 annual mean concentrations for the past five years with the air quality objective of 40µg/m3. Note that the concentration data presented represents the concentration at the location of the monitoring site, following the application of bias adjustment and annualisation, as required.
For diffusion tubes, the full 2021 dataset of monthly mean values is provided in Appendix B.
Table A.5 in Appendix A compares the ratified continuous monitored NO2 hourly mean concentrations for the past five years with the air quality objective of 200µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 18 times per year.
Annual mean NO2 greater than 60µg/m3, indicates that an exceedance of the 1-hour mean objective where that is monitored. During 2021 monitoring suggests that no part of Brighton & Hove exceeded the hourly standard for NO2. That said road traffic, combined heat and power and gas boilers contribute to short-term oxides of nitrogen.
The relatively stringent annual average standard 40µg/m3 continues to be exceeded next to parts of Lewes Road with monitoring detecting NO2 (within 10%) of the UK standard next to, London Road, Grand Parade, New England Road, Viaduct Terrace and part of North Street (roadside at the building-line frontage).
In recent years substantial improvements have been detected around the bus ULEZ, the main railway station and the Royal County Hospital. Recent demolition on Holligdean Road has opened part of the street and construction may have diverted traffic elsewhere.
As the NO2 AQMA were amended in 2020 that are no plans to reiview them in the next year before the next ASR.
3.2.2 Particulate Matter (PM10)
Since 2015 Brighton & Hove has monitored PM2.5 instead of PM10 and the relatively course fraction of airborne particulate complies with national standards. As funding is now available the council is scheduled to monitor for both PM10 and PM2.5. Particles do not vary geographically as much NO2. A number of monitors across the city in combination with others across Sussex will be insightful to help see where local and regional emissions are influence outdoor concentrations.
3.2.3 Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
Table A.8 in Appendix A presents the ratified and adjusted monitored PM2.5 annual mean concentrations for the past five years. Further improvement is required to certainly surpass 2010 WHO guidelines and work towards 2021 WHO guidelines for annual and daily averages.
3.2.4 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Sulphur Dioxide levels have been found to comply with national standards and world health guidelines across the Greater Brighton area. Reduced coal burning, ultralow sulphur petrol and diesel (2007) and fewer diesel trains have helped bring down levels of sulphurous gas and particles. The University of Brighton received £250K research fund for monitoring. Find results for SO2 and other pollutants.
The monitoring station is in a field at Falmer (south of the A27 and Brighton to Lewes railway) and included in the summary appendix of Brighton & Hove automatic analysers.
The monitoring station is in a field at Falmer (south of the A27 and Brighton to Lewes railway) and included in the summary appendix of Brighton & Hove automatic analysers.
Appendix A: Monitoring results
Tables A.1 to A.4
View and download the following tables:
- Table A.1 – Details of Automatic Monitoring Sites
- Table A.2 – Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Site Nitrogen Dioxide (Sorted by AQMAs and Road Numbers)
- Table A.3 – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results: Automatic Monitoring (µg/m3)
- Table A.4 – Annual Mean NO2 Monitoring Results: Non-Automatic Monitoring (µg/m3)
Notes for Table A.1
- 0m if the monitoring site is at a location of exposure (for example, installed on the façade of a residential property)
- N/A if not applicable
Notes for Table A.2
- All tubes are at a relevant receptor location (apart from those at background). All tubes are singular, except C10-12 triplicate average, co-located with analyser BH10. This list starts at the main railway station.
- Where “Main road” names for example (A23) are in brackets the tube sample is adjacent to an unclassified road, adjoining the AQMA-main road cited.
- At the time of writing the bus-ULEZ (LEZ since 2015) follows the B2066 road for 1.8 km, which is mostly used by buses, taxis and service delivery.
- Diffusion Tube IDs relate to changing order: W = West, C = Central and E = East. The second number is the year sampling started at the site. 2021 are new for this ASR, all other tubes are ‘existing’ or continued from 2020. Long-term tubes (and some that have discontinued due to compliance status) are included in the trend graphs.
Notes for Table A.3
Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% and >25% in line with LAQM.TG16
Reported concentrations are those at the location of the monitoring site (annualised, as required), such as, prior to any fall-off with distance correction
- The annual mean concentrations are presented as µg/m3.
- Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40 µg/m3 are shown in bold.
- All means have been “annualised” as per LAQM.TG16 if valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.
- Concentrations are those at the location of monitoring and not those following any fall-off with distance adjustment.
- (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year.
- (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (for example, if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%).
Notes for Table A.4
Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% and >25% in line with LAQM.TG16
Diffusion tube data has been bias adjusted
Reported concentrations are those at the location of the monitoring site (bias adjusted and annualised, as required), such as, prior to any fall-off with distance correction.
- The annual mean concentrations are presented as µg/m3.
- Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40 µg/m3 are shown in bold.
- NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m3, indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined.
- Means for diffusion tubes have been corrected for bias. All means have been “annualised” as per LAQM.TG16 if valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.
- Concentrations are those at the location of monitoring and not those following any fall-off with distance adjustment.
- (1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year.
- (2) Data capture for the full calendar year (for example, if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%).
Figure A.1 – Trends in Annual Mean NO2 Concentrations
A series of graphs showing long term trends in Nitrogen Dioxide at roadside compared with background (not near a road) declining since 2010 to 2020 and 2021, with a varying rate of improvement.
Figure A.1 AQMA1 A23 Valley Gardens II and III
Figure A.1 AQMA1 A23 Valley Gardens II and III Trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for monitoring sites either side of Valley Gardens and the A23 main road.

On the west side of Valley Gardens in 2011 the average of two sites (Marlborough Place and Gloucester Place) at the facade was close to 56 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade the concentration at these locations has improved by 50%. On the west side of Valley Gardens five years ago the average of three sites was 42 µg/m3, in 2021 this was recorded at 28 µg/m3 an improvement of 33%.

On the east side of Valley Gardens in 2011 the average of two sites on Grand Parade facade was close to 51 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade the concentration at these locations has improved by >32%. On the east side of Valley Gardens five years ago, the average of three sites was 45 µg/m3, in 2021 this average and changed to 36 µg/m3 an improvement of 21%. Recently monitoring adjacent with A23 through traffic suggests NO2 is not improving as fast as elsewhere in the AQMAs.
In September 2019 general traffic was switched to the east side of the Valley and the west side mostly limited to buses and taxis.
The rate of pollution improvement has slowed since 2020, partly because that calendar year included lockdown periods and it is taking longer to supply replacement vehicles.
Figure A.1 AQMA1 A23 Preston Circus Area

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for monitoring sites in the London Road area south of Preston Circus. In 2011 the average of two sites was close to 60µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade the concentration at these locations has improved by 46%. The average of three sites south or Preston Circus five years ago was almost 50µg/m3 NO2 by 2021 this had become 33 µg/m3, an improvement of one third. There area is influenced by buses, taxis, and deliveries.

For the A23 southbound through Preston Circus the trend chart show ten years ago NO2 average at three sites was recorded at almost 55 µg/m3, during the past decade this pollution concentration has improved by 43%. The average of three sites for general traffic through Preston Circus five years ago was 43 µg/m3 NO2 by 2021 this had become 31 µg/m3 an improvement of 22%. Recently monitoring adjacent with A23 through traffic suggests NO2 is not improving as fast as elsewhere.
Figure A.1 AQMA1 ULEZ Kerbside (above pedestrian pavement)

One diffusion tube on North Street monitors above the pavement to represent the area where pedestrians (not residents) spend time. This diffusion tube has recorded the highest NO2 concentrations in Brighton & Hove and shows the greatest improvement. In 2014 NO2 at the site peaked at close to 121 µg/m3 by 2021 this had dropped to slightly under 48 µg/m3, an improvement 58% over 9 years, down almost 61% in 7 years and 51% in the past 5 years.
Whilst levels have improved citywide during the same period, the greater downward trend in the Ultralow Emission Zone is due to cleaner buses achieved with a combination of replacements, new procurements and exhaust upgrades funded by Department of Transport (DfT), Department for the Environment (DEFRA), Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Investment Fund (SCRIF) and bus operators and managed by officers at Brighton & Hove City Council. The number of operating buses increased after travel restrictions from mid-2020 into 2021.
Figure A.1 AQMA1 ULEZ Façade (roadside building-line compared with central background)

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for facade monitoring sites along Western Road, Lower Dyke Road (next to Churchill Square) North Street and Castle Square. In 2011 the average of three available sites was close to 68 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at these locations has improved by 55%. The average of 5 available façade sites along the corridor five years ago was almost 46 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 30 µg/m3, an improvement of 35%. Bus emissions in the Ultralow Emission Zone have improved substantially with a combination of new procurement, replacements of older vehicles and grant funding from DfT, DEFRA, and carbon neutrality allocations to upgrade the exhausts of more than a hundred vehicles.
Figure A.1 AQMA1 A2010 Brighton Railway Station Approaches

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for facade monitoring sites next to the Main Railway Station. In 2011 NO2 on Terminus Road was recorded at 54 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at this constant monitor have improved by 41%. The site five years ago recorded almost 43 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had become >32 µg/m3, an improvement of 21%. Between 2018 and 2020 Surrey Street and the Station frontage recorded a reduction in NO2 of 44%. Whist Terminus road continues to carry mixed traffic on a hill climb in confined space between terrace houses and the railway station the station frontage and Surrey Street has much less car and taxi pick up and drop off activity.

Two diffusion tube monitoring locations have constantly monitored on Queens Road. In 2011 their average was close to 56 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade this has improved 49%. Five years ago, the average of 2 site was 43 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 29 µg/m3, an improvement of 33%. Cleaner buses have helped, more recently there is reduced pick-up and drop off in front of Brighton railway station and possibly fewer private car trips for retail as shopping shifts online.

One constant tube monitored next to Frederick Place in north Laine in 2011 recorded 50 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade this has improved 34%. Five years ago, the site monitored 46 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 33 µg/m3, an improvement of 28%. The road link is important for delivery access and would benefit from increased use of cargo bikes.
Figure A.1 AQMA1 A270

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for facade monitoring sites next to the Chatham Place, Old Shoreham East, and New England Road. In 2011 the average from three sites was close to 57 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at these constant monitors has improved by 41%. Five years ago, the average of four site was 47 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 34 µg/m3, an improvement of 28%. The road link is an important east-west link under the Brighton main railway and can be congested at various times of the day.

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for facade monitoring sites next to the Lewes Road corridor south of the Vogue Gyratory. In 2012 the average from three sites was close to 59 µg/m3 NO2, during the past nine years concentration at these monitors has improved by 33%. Five years ago, the average of two sites was 49 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 36 µg/m3, an improvement of 26%.

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for facade monitoring sites next to the Lewes Road corridor north of the Vogue Gyratory and Hollingdean Road. In 2012 the Coombe Terrace site recorded close to 48 µg/m3 NO2, during the past nine years concentration at this monitor has improved by 39%. Five years ago, the same site recorded almost 39 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 29 µg/m3, an improvement of 24%. In 2010 the Hollingdean Road monitor recorded close to 51 µg/m3 NO2, over eleven years concentration at the stie has improved by 44% or 39% in a decade. Five years ago, concentrations at the site were recorded at 46 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to under 29 µg/m3, an improvement of 38%. Improvement to lorry emission will have helped, also the demolition of buildings flanking the road.
Figure A.1 AQMA2 Rottingdean Roadside (2021 Local Background monitored at 12 µg/m3)

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for facade monitoring sites next Rottingdean High Street. In 2011 the average of two constant sites was close to 47 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at the long-term monitors has improved by 42%. Five years ago, the same sites recorded more than 38 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 27 µg/m3, an improvement of 29%. Rottingdean High Street and the A259 contribute emissions to the diffusion tube monitors in AQMA2.
Figure A.1 AQMA3 South Portslade

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for the long-term facade monitoring site on Wellington Road. In 2011 the site recorded close to 48 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at this monitor has improved by 29%. Five years ago, the same site recorded more than 44 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 34 µg/m3, an improvement of 23%.

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for the long-term facade monitoring site on Trafalgar Road in Portslade. In 2011 the site recorded close to 51 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at these monitors has improved by 38%. Five years ago, the same sites recorded 38 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to less than 32 µg/m3, an improvement of 20%. The corridor is an important haulage route from Shoreham port inland. To further improve air quality, it will be important for all heavy vehicles to meet the euro-VI emission standard. It is also possible that local cars (Portslade and Adur) are older than elsewhere in the city.
Figure A.1 AQMA4 and Hove

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for the long-term facade monitoring site on Sackville Road. In 2011 the site recorded close to 47 µg/m3 NO2, during the past decade concentration at these monitors has improved by 40%. Five years ago, the same sites recorded more than 39 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 28 µg/m3, an improvement of 28%. The junction is important for access to Hove. There are several developments in the area.
Figure A.1 AQMA5 Preston Road South Street-The Drove (west of the railway)

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations for 2 monitors in AQMA5. In 2012 diffusion tube on The Drove recorded close to 47 µg/m3 NO2, over 9 years concentration at this monitor improved by 27%. Five years ago, the same sites recorded more than > 44 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 34 µg/m3, an improvement of 23%. The cross-over under the railway is an important east-west link. Car, van and minibus emissions occur on the hill climbing corner.
Figure A.1 AQMA6 south of the Royal County Hospital

The trend graph presents NO2 annual mean concentrations close to the Royal County Hospital and St James Street in Kemp Town. In 2011 the diffusion tube next to Eastern Road opposite the hospital campus recorded close to 47 µg/m3 NO2, over a decade the concentration at this monitor improved by almost 50%. Five years ago, the same site recorded more than 42 µg/m3 NO2, by 2021 this had dropped to 24 µg/m3, an improvement of 44%. Possible explanations are the reduced influence of construction activity emissions working at the hospital site, the moving of bus shelter on Eastern Road, reduced bus emissions, modal shift including fewer visits to the vicinity by older diesel cars.
Table A.5
View and download Table A.5 – 1-Hour Mean NO2 Monitoring Results, Number of 1-Hour Means > 200µg/m3.
Notes for Table A.5
Results are presented as the number of 1-hour periods where concentrations greater than 200µg/m3 have been recorded.
Exceedances of the NO2 1-hour mean objective (200µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times/year) are shown in bold.
If the period of valid data is less than 85%, the 99.8th percentile of 1-hour means is provided in brackets.
(1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year.
(2) Data capture for the full calendar year (for example, if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%).
Figure A.2 – Trends in Number of NO2 1-Hour Means > 200µg/m3

Table A.8 – Annual Mean PM2.5 Monitoring Results (µg/m3)
View and download Table A.8 – Annual Mean PM2.5 Monitoring Results (µg/m3).
Notes for Table A.8
Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% and >25% in line with LAQM.TG16
The annual mean concentrations are presented as µg/m3.
All means have been “annualised” as per LAQM.TG16 if valid data capture for the full calendar year is less than 75%. See Appendix C for details.
(1) Data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year.
(2) Data capture for the full calendar year (for example, if monitoring was carried out for 6 months, the maximum data capture for the full calendar year is 50%).
Figure A.5 – Trends in Annual Mean PM2.5 Concentrations

Figure A.5 –PM2.5 Daily (24-hour) 2021

Notes: 0 µg/m3 = zero data capture. Highest days for particulates in the North Street area were March, late July to early September. Lewes Road: Spring and 5th November.
Appendix B: Full monthly diffusion tube results for 2021
Table B.1 – NO2 2021 Diffusion Tube Results (µg/m3)
View and download Table B.1 – NO2 2021 Diffusion Tube Results (µg/m3).
Notes for Table B.1
All erroneous data has been removed from the NO2 diffusion tube dataset presented in Table B.1.
Annualisation has been conducted where data capture is <75% and >25% in line with LAQM.TG16
Local bias adjustment factor used
National bias adjustment factor used
Where applicable, data has been distance corrected for relevant exposure in the final column (not relevant so removed)
Brighton & Hove City Council confirm that all 2021 diffusion tube data has been uploaded to the Diffusion Tube Data Entry System
- Exceedances of the NO2 annual mean objective of 40 µg/m3 are shown in bold.
- NO2 annual means exceeding 60µg/m3, indicating a potential exceedance of the NO2 1-hour mean objective are shown in bold and underlined.
- See Appendix C for details on bias adjustment and annualisation.
Appendix C: Supporting technical information / air quality monitoring data Quality Assurance and Quality Control
New or Changed Sources Identified Within Brighton & Hove During 2021
Since COVID-19 a higher proportion of traffic movement are thought to be associated with servicing and delivery.
Vehicle trips associated with tourism have recovered more quickly than those due to commuting or retail. Construction traffic servicing the hospital (AQMA6) and Preston Barrack development (A270 on Lewes Road) has diminished. During 2021, there is less roadworks around AQMA1 for example Lewes Road and Valley Gardens (A23).
DfT temporary cycle Lanes along the sea front have been retained, whilst others like the one on Old Shoreham Road have been removed. It is possible that space allocation for active travel and an improved urban realm could cause road traffic congestion in another place.
That said higher engine revs, fuel burn, CO2, NOx and PM emissions happen where diesel (and to a lesser extent petrol) vehicles accelerate into available carriageway space. In 2021 a higher proportion (over 70%) of the local bus fleet meets the ULEZ euro-VI emission standard.
Additional air quality works undertaken by Brighton & Hove during 2021
During 2021 25 additional double decker buses have been exhaust upgraded. Various Transport and Parking consultations have been carried out. A new Air Quality Action Plan has been prepared for public consultation.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control of diffusion tube monitoring
- Gradko International diffusion tubes have been consistently used for many years by Sussex Local Authorities using the 20% TEA in water method
- 2021 diffusion tube monitoring covered eleven periods from December 2020 to January 2022. During the second half of the year exposure periods alternated between four- and five-week exposure periods.
- During the first half of the year due to a shortage of staff, some of the exposure periods were longer than five weeks.
- 49/54 tubes had data capture >75%
- Annualisation has been carried out for 5/54 tubes were data capture was between 25 and 75%
- Accreditation of the diffusion tube monitoring method like previous years is as follows:
AIR PT Nitrogen Dioxide Proficiency Scheme results 2021

Results from AIR-PT 42 showed a significant negative bias. An investigation was carried out and a repeat set of samples ordered (March 2021) to confirm results. Results from the investigation showed for AIR PT samples, extraction of nitrite from the tubes was not complete and required further time on the shaker to extract all the nitrite from the tubes. Successful extraction was demonstrated on the repeat Air PT samples in March 2021.
The investigation also showed that for laboratory standards and customer samples, extraction of nitrite from tubes was complete without further shaking, and there was no risk associated with results.
Proficiency Scheme - Nitrogen Dioxide 2021

Diffusion tube annualisation
Annualisation is required for any monitoring site with data capture less than 75% but greater than 25%. For 2021 five diffusion tubes sites required annualisation these are detailed in Table C.2.
Diffusion tube bias adjustment factors
The diffusion tube data presented within the 2021 ASR have been corrected for bias using an adjustment factor. Bias represents the overall tendency of the diffusion tubes to under or over-read relative to the reference chemiluminescence analyser. LAQM.TG16 provides guidance with regard to the application of a bias adjustment factor to correct diffusion tube monitoring. Triplicate co-location studies can be used to determine a local bias factor based on the comparison of diffusion tube results with data taken from NOx/NO2 continuous analysers. Alternatively, the national database of diffusion tube co-location surveys provides bias factors for the relevant laboratory and preparation method.
For 2021 Brighton & Hove have applied a national bias adjustment factor of 0.84 to the monitoring data (version 3, 2022). A summary of bias adjustment factors used by Brighton & Hove over the past 5 years is presented in Table C.1. This bias is derived from national studies using the Gradko 20% TEA in water methodology.
For 2021 the local bias adjustment factor was not consistent with previous years, so the national option has been selected. For the beginning of the year diffusion tube exposure periods were more than the recommended 5 weeks.
For choice justification, audit purposes the calculations are provided below - you can view the image or download the Brighton & Hove City Council Local Bias Correction Factors for 2021 table.

Table C.1 – Bias adjustment factor
Monitoring Year |
Local or National |
If National, Version of National Spreadsheet |
Adjustment Factor |
2021 |
National |
03/21 |
0.84 |
2020 |
National |
06/20 |
0.92 |
2019 |
National |
06/19 |
0.93 |
2018 |
National |
06/18 |
0.93 |
2017 |
National |
06/17 |
0.93 |
Quality Assurance and Quality Control of automatic monitoring
Since 2012 the Transport Research Laboratory has carried Quality Assurance and Quality Control on behalf of Brighton & Hove Council for the monitoring stations BH6 and BH10 on Lewes Road and North Street.
Site operation
Routine instrument calibrations are conducted approximately once per fortnight, which involve zero and span checks, a written record of the gas analyser diagnostics and a general visual inspection of all equipment is undertaken. There is a written operating procedure and a calibration record sheet is completed at every site visit.
Data retrieval and daily data checking
Data from the monitoring station is retrieved directly via a Siemens TC35i GSM modem at 8 hourly intervals. The data is then stored on Envista Arm software hosted at TRL. This was used to retrieve, check and archive data. TRL's internal QA/QC procedures require all data to be backed up on a secure server and all documentation associated with each site to be uniquely identified and securely stored to provide an audit trail.
Daily data inspections are undertaken during office hours using the facilities of the Data Management System. Initial observations of the Management System indicate whether the site has been contacted during its nominated ‘poll time’ overnight. If this has not been successful a manual poll of the site may be required. If this is not successful further investigation of the communications integrity will be required to establish contact with the site modem and data logger.
Three day plots of recorded data are viewed for the requested site, and these are inspected and assessed for continuity, validity, minimum and maximum values, date and time, power failures and general integrity. All anomalies are recorded on the Daily Check log, as required. Any anomalies or queries arising from daily inspection of data, or system operation, are brought to the attention of the Project Manager who will evaluate the situation, and initialise any necessary action.
In the event that the PM is not available, contact will be made with the next available senior person within the monitoring team. Any issues identified with equipment operation will be referred to the client for attention within 24 hours (excluding weekends). On a weekly basis, data are examined using summary statistics and outlier analysis to establish data validity. If unusual data episodes are recorded, these would be routinely examined over longer data periods to establish their impact on trends but would also be cross referenced with data peaks and troughs recorded at other national monitoring stations. In addition, integrity and validity of data logger clock times are checked, and any significant errors recorded in the Data Management System logbook.
All site data recorded through the Data Management System is archived on TRL’s Network. The data is backed up daily, and the TRL IT Department maintains these data within their long-term and secure archives. This secures all data in the event of any system failure.
Data calibration and ratification
Data is ratified as per Automatic Urban Rural Network (AURN) recommended procedures. The calibration and ratification process for automatic gas analysers corrects the raw dataset for any drift in the zero baseline and the upper range of the instrument. This is done using Evista-based calibration and ratification which incorporates the zero and span check information from the calibration visits.
The zero-reading recorded during the calibration visits is used to adjust any offset of the baseline of the data. The difference between the span value obtained between one calibration visit and the next visit is used to calculate a factor. This change is assumed to occur at the same rate over the period between calibrations and as such the factor is used as a linear data scaler. This effectively results in the start of the period having no factor applied and the end of the period being scaled with the full factor with a sliding scale of the factor in-between.
After applying the calibration factors, it is essential to screen the data, by visual examination, to see if they contain any unusual measurements or outliers. Errors in the data may occur because of equipment failure, human error, power failures, interference, or other disturbances. Data validation and ratification is an important step in the monitoring process.
Ratification involves considerable knowledge of pollutant behaviour and dispersion, instrumentation characteristics, field experience and judgement. On completion of this data correction procedure, the data is converted to hourly means and provided to Brighton & Hove City Council at quarterly intervals and a calendar year annual report is prepared.
PM10 and PM2.5 monitoring adjustment
The PM2.5 monitoring published includes Volatile Correction Model (VCM) in accordance with LAQM.TG16 Chapter 7: Particulate Matter Monitoring.
Automatic monitoring annualisation
As data capture for PM2.5 monitoring at Preston Circus AURN site in 2021 was 63.6%, annualisation has been carried out.
NO2 fall-off with distance from the road
Brighton & Hove has ensured that air monitoring locations are representative of breathing exposure on a building-line façade, dwelling place or pedestrianised area. Kerbside monitors in AQMA1 (declared for the hourly mean) assess transient exposure to pollutants above busy footways. Some of Brighton & Hove’s monitors at background locations (easily complaint with standards) do not require an NO2 fall-off with distance calculation.
In practice the NO2 fall-off with distance calculator is based on open field examples and is less suited to confined spaces or street canyons, that are the typical scenario for many of England’s AQMAs including those amended in Brighton & Hove 2020. Ventilation might be better at kerbside than the leeside of buildings. It is not recommended that developers use the distance drop-off tool to justify planning situations for example continued enclosure of road traffic emissions.
Table C.2 – Annualisation Summary (concentrations presented in µg/m3)
View and download Table C.2.
A local bias correction was not used in 2021. For comparison with the combined national Gradko bias, local calculations are included above. Table C3 is not required.
Appendix D: Map(s) of monitoring locations and AQMAs
Figure D.1 1 –Map of Automatic Monitoring Sites

Figure D.1 2 – Map of Brighton & Hove AQMAs

Figure D.2 3 - Map of AQMA 1

Figure D.2 4 - Maps of AQMA 2

Figure D.2 4 - Maps of AQMA 3

Figure D.2 4 - Maps of AQMA 4

Figure D.2 4 - Maps of AQMA 5

Figure D.2 4 - Maps of AQMA 6

Figure D.2 5 - Map of AQMA 1 Monitoring Central ULEZ and Main Railway Station

Figure D.2 6 - Map of AQMA 1 Monitoring Valley Gardens A23

Figure D.2 7 - Map of AQMA 1 Monitoring Preston Circus Area A270 and A23

Figure D.2 8 - Map of AQMA 1 Monitoring Lewes Road Area A270

Figure D.2 9 - Map of AQMA 2 Monitoring Rottingdean B2123 and A259

Figure D.2 10 - Map of AQMA 3 Monitoring Portslade A293 and A259

Figure D.2 11 - Maps of AQMA 4 Monitoring Hove A2023 and A270

Figure D.2 12 - Maps of AQMA 5 Monitoring The Drove and Preston Road A23

Appendix E: Summary of air quality objectives in England
Table E.1 – Air quality standards in England (2005 Objectives)
View and download Table E.1 or view the information listed below.
The units are in microgrammes of pollutant per cubic metre of air (μg/m3).
Listed below is the:
- Pollutant
- Air Quality Standards Concentration
- Air Quality Standard
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
- 200 μg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 times a year
- 1-hour mean
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
- 40 μg/m3
- Annual mean
Particulate Matter (PM10)
- 50 μg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year
- 24-hour mean
Particulate Matter (PM10)
- 40 μg/m3
- Annual mean
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
- 350 μg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 24 times a year
- 1-hour mean
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
- 125 μg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 3 times a year
- 24-hour mean
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2/)
- 266 μg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times a year
- 15-minute mean
Table E.1 – Proposed Brighton & Hove Objectives 2021 World Health Organisation guidelines and interim targets
The units are in microgrammes of pollutant per cubic metre of air (µg/m3).
Listed below is the:
- Pollutant
- Air Quality Standards Concentration
- Air Quality Guideline
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
- 50 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 4 days per year
- 24-hour mean
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
- Interim 2 30µg/m3
- Annual mean
Particulate Matter (PM2.5.)
- 15 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 4 times a year
- 24-hour mean
Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
- Interim 4 10µg/m3
- Annual mean
Particulate Matter (PM10)
- 45 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 4 times a year
- 24-hour mean
Particulate Matter (PM10)
- 15 µg/m3
- Annual mean
Glossary of terms
Atmospheric Dispersion Model System
Air Quality Action Plan - A detailed description of measures, outcomes, achievement dates and implementation methods, showing how the local authority intends to achieve air quality limit values’
Air Quality Management Area – An area where air pollutant concentrations exceed / are likely to exceed the relevant air quality objectives. AQMAs are declared for specific pollutants and objectives
Air Quality Annual Status Report
Automatic Traffic Counter
UK Automatic Urban Rural air Monitoring Network
Carbon Neutral Fund
Clean Air Zone
Construction Environment Management Plans
Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Department for Transport
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges – Air quality screening tool produced by Highways England
Emission Factor Toolkit
Atmospheric Emissions Inventory Toolkit
European Union
Heavy Goods Vehicle
Local Air Quality Management
LAQM Technical Guidance 2016
LAQM Policy Guidance 2016
Light Goods Vehicle
Non Road Mobile Machinery
National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory
Nitrogen Dioxide
Oxides of Nitrogen usually an emission rather than an outdoor concentration
National Physical Laboratory
Public Health England
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 10µm (micrometres or microns) or less
Airborne particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter of 2.5µm or less
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Smoke Control Zone
Sustainability and Carbon Reduction Investment Fund
Section 106
Section 106 Planning Agreement Under Town and Country Planning Act
Sulphur Dioxide
Ultralow Emissions Zone
Standard UK references
- Local Air Quality Management Technical Guidance LAQM.TG16. April 2021. Published by Defra in partnership with the Scottish Government, Welsh Assembly Government and Department of the Environment Northern Ireland.
- Local Air Quality Management Policy Guidance LAQM.PG16. May 2016. Published by Defra in partnership with the Scottish Government, Welsh Assembly Government and Department of the Environment Northern Ireland.
- Public Health England. Air Quality: A Briefing for Directors of Public Health, 2017
- Defra. Air quality and social deprivation in the UK: an environmental inequalities analysis, 2006
- Defra. Air quality appraisal: damage cost guidance, July 2021
- Public Health England. Estimation of costs to the NHS and social care due to the health impacts of air pollution: summary report, May 2018
- Defra. Clean Air Strategy, 2019
- DfT. The Road to Zero: Next steps towards cleaner road transport and delivering our Industrial Strategy, July 2018
- The units are in micrograms of pollutant per cubic metre of air (µg/m3).
- Brighton & Hove JSNA found
- Public Health Outcomes Framework, Public Health England
- Please think twice about fires
Other references including local
- AQMAs interactive map
- Brighton & Hove AQMA Orders 2020.
- How Brighton & Hove manages air quality
- Sussex-Air Promoting better Air Quality in Sussex
- Defra UK,
- Office for Zero Emission Vehicles
- Brighton & Hove Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)
- Local Transport Plan
- Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan