This course is for parents who would like to learn more about this approach and have children aged 4-8 years old attending primary school.
It is run by Educational Psychologist in the Brighton & Hove City Council Health, SEN and disability service.
Who this course is for
This course is for families with children attending primary school aged 4-8 years.
It is suitable for all children including those with additional needs, including:
- speech, language & communication difficulties
- children who speak English as an additional language
Dates and times
Hangleton Family Hub, Harmsworth Crescent, Hove, BN3 8BW
How to book
You can only attend this course with a referral.
Families who are already accessing family hubs services will be prioritised, schools can also refer for spaces.
For more information please send an email to Familyhubs@brighton-hove.gov.uk or Mehmet.Agdiran@brighton-hove.gov.uk.