Fostering with a faith
We welcome foster carers who follow different faiths.
About fostering with a faith
The cornerstone of any religion is love, care, openness and community. These values align very closely with fostering. Brighton & Hove City Council foster carers identify with many different faiths. These faiths play an important role in their day to day lives as carers.
We are proud to work with and support faith communities and places of worship across Brighton & Hove. If you are part of a faith community and would like to connect with us, we would love to hear form you.
Fostering as a Muslim family
Sajjad and Esmat's story
One of the core beliefs of Islam is to help others in need, which made fostering a great match for Sajjad and Esmat. They currently foster a 13 year old boy and are looking to foster more children in the future.
Esmat said: “As Muslims, we believe strongly in the values of compassion, generosity and opening our home and our hearts to someone who needs love and care.”
Annie's story
Annie left a successful career in the hospitality industry to pursue her dream of providing a loving home to a child in need.
“Having reached the pinnacle of my career in the hospitality industry, I decided to seek other challenges in life, to make the world a better place and to improve the lives of others. When asked what it was like to be an approved foster carer, Annie said “It feels great, alhamdulillah!”
Naseem's story
Naseem fosters with her husband. “As a Muslim couple in our late 40s we still had that get up and go feeling. The thing that attracted us to fostering was that we simply love children.
We discussed our decision with family and friends in the community. We were surprised at some of the reactions we received as some were very negative. However, one of the community leaders said that fostering a child is rewarding and pointed out that God is pleased with people who take the time to care for children.”
Fostering as a Christian family
Mark and Heidi's story
Mark and Heidi felt they could put their Christian values into action through fostering. They wanted to create a welcoming home for children, no matter their behavior or background, by being kind, forgiving, and patient.
Heidi said: “As parents, we provide all our children with what they deserve - kind, loving, consistent parenting. Everyone has to keep in mind that children are in care through no fault of their own. They deserve the opportunity to be part of a loving family. The Christian faith is about people being called home to Jesus through love and kindness. We want to be able to offer that love and kindness to children as well. We knew we could offer that to a child in care. We feel we are called to support children.”
Kate's story
Kate was 24 years old when she was approved as a single carer.
She says: “The church are my family and support network. Through church we get support from all generations, including being prayed for, which to me is very important.” With a 15 year old boy in her care and a girl on the verge of turning 13, Kate says “it is not always plain sailing, but the children are beautiful and watching their characters, personality and confidence grow as they experience new things in life is a wonder to be seen.”
Matt's story
Matt Davis, a pastor at Emmanuel Church Brighton, responsible for engaging congregations in Family Life initiatives, says "we've found that the strength of our faith communities, in all of their diversity, have lent themselves to a nurturing space for the flourishing of families. You could say 'it takes a church to raise a child', and that would be the experience of many of our families - biological, blended, adoptive or fostered."
“My encouragement to all faith communities in our City is to explore, along with the Brighton & Hove Fostering Team, the possibilities open to us to play our part in meeting a great need amongst us."
Fostering as a Jewish family
Suki and Danny's story
Suki and Danny have been foster carers for 6 years, since their own children were 3 and 6.
Suki and Danny have fostered both Jewish and non-Jewish children. They welcome the opportunity to share traditions and learn about others. “If you can open your heart and your home, this is one of the most rewarding and satisfying things you can do,” says Suki.
Suki and Danny believe fostering represents a Jewish value of protecting the vulnerable. They encourage others in the Jewish community to also get involved.