You may have been at this stage for severalyears, or you may be at the very beginning.
Your journey to becoming a foster carer
Read our step by step guide to becoming a foster carer.
Steps to becoming a foster carer
If you are new to fostering, your journey to becoming an approved foster carer will take approximately 6 months.
For some it may be quicker, and for others it may be longer. The time it takes will depend how ready you are to proceed at each stage.
You will learn lots about fostering (and yourself) along the way. Some applicants prefer to take time to digest and consider the information they learn whilst others are more confident in their decision to proceed.
Each foster carer will complete the steps attheir own pace and the process is designed so that you have the time to prepare and learn how to feel confident in the role. At each stage, there is never any obligation to continue if you decide that now is not the right time. Think of it as a journey. We will walk alongside you at every step and we will work through the different aspects together.

Research and information gathering
Complete an online enquiry, call us, or e-mail us
When you are ready, there are several ways to get in touch . Our team will be delighted to hear from you.
Information event
We run regular information events which include a short, informal introduction to fostering.
Foster carers will share their day-to-day experience of fostering for Brighton & Hove City Council and a young person will talk about the difference foster care has made to their life.
Initial home visit
An initial home visit is an opportunity for prospective foster carers to discuss their circumstances and motivations in more detail. It is an opportunity for you to ask questions, and for us to meet other members of your household such as partners, birthchildren and pets.
You can also ask to speak with and meet an experienced foster carer totalk to them about what fostering is like. Following the visit, we will have a discussion with you about the next steps.
If you feel ready to proceed and we feel you have what it takes, we will decide together to begin the assessment process.
Application and start of assessment
We will send you an application form andyou will be allocated an Assessing Social Worker.
Stage 1 - Background checks and references
This stage is principally about gathering basic, factual information about you andincludes mandatory checks and references such as an Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check and a medical check.
We need to make sure you are safe, honest and fit to foster.
Stage 1 - Attend Skills to Foster training course
You will be invited to attend a mandatory training course designed to help you explore and understand some of the issues involved in fostering. It will begin to prepare you for life as a foster carer.
Stage 2 - Home visits
Your assessing social worker will visit you several times at your home. The visits will focus on getting to know you better, assessing and developing your knowledge and experience, and exploring your motivation to foster.
The Assessing Social Worker will gather information about your lifestyle and look at how fostering will fit into your life. It is also an opportunity to prepare you for fostering and to ensure you feel ready and able.
Stage 2 - Assessment report
Your Assessing Social Worker will compile a report called a Form F assessment. The form will be shared will you to make sure it is accurate.
Stage 2 - Fostering panel
The fostering panel is made up of:
- health and education professionals
- foster carers
- independent members representing a cross-section of society
It is a welcoming space and gives you and the panel members an opportunity to talk more about your experience and strengths as well as any support you might need.
Stage 2 - Agency decision maker
Following the Panel meeting, the Panel will make a recommendation to the Agency Decision Maker, who will give the final say on your approval as a foster carer.
Stage 2 - Meet your Supervising Social Worker and Buddy
You will meet your Supervising Social Worker, whose role it is to provide you with support and supervision.
They will get to know you and your family well.They will visit you regularly, support you to attend support groups and training, help you to make connections with other carers and offer advice. You will also be matched with a foster carer Buddy, who will offer additional support during your first year.
Stage 2 - Start fostering
During your assessment, you will have had time to consider the children and/or young people that may be a good match for you and your family.
A joint decision will be made, and planned introductions will be set up. You and your family will be an important part of a team around the child that includes your Supervising Social Worker, the child’s Social Worker and other professionals.
Your weekly payments will start the week after the child is placed.
Stage 2 - Continue your fostering journey with ongoing support and training
There will be constant opportunities to attend training courses. Some courses are mandatory, whilst others are there for you to access as and when necessary.
There area range of support groups available and lots of opportunities to meet other foster carers in your area.