The Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP) framework is aimed at achieving consistent provision of a broad range of health promotion interventions through community pharmacies to:
- meet local need
- improve the health and wellbeing of the local population
- help to reduce health inequalities
The Health Living Pharmacy (HLP) framework was first developed in 2009. Public Health England (PHE) has provided strategic leadership for the development, acceleration, and implementation of the HLP programme. In 2016, PHE moved from a commissioner-led to a profession-led, self-assessment process for the attainment of HLP level 1 status, which included the development of the PHE quality criteria.
The PHE quality criteria underpinned the HLP enablers and set out the criteria that community pharmacies needed to meet to attain HLP level 1 status.
Following this, NHS England introduced the achievement of HLP level 1 status, as set out in the PHE quality criteria, as a criterion for payment under the Pharmacy Quality Scheme (previously known as the Quality Payments Scheme) for 2017/18.
Collectively, these initiatives introduced greater consistency in the delivery of public health interventions and saw the number of HLPs rise to over 9,500 in 2019. PHE research published in 2016 showed the impact of HLPs in communities, which is summarised in the infographic below.

The impact of Healthy Living Pharmacies
1. Healthy Living Pharmacies improve the public's health and drive improvements in service quality and innovation.
2. People walking into a Healthy Living Pharmacy are twice as likely to set a quit date for smoking and then quit than if they walked into a non-Healthy Living Pharmacy
3. Healthy Living Pharmacies consistently deliver high-quality public health services - NHS Health checks, weight management, sexual health and more.
4. Healthy Living Pharmacies reach out to local communities such as schools and community centres, with health improvement advice and services
99% of people are comfortable and happy with the service provided by Healthy Living Pharmacies
99% of people would recommend Healthy Living Pharmacies to their families and friends
60% of people would make an appointment with their GP's if the health improvement service was not available at a Healthy Living Pharmacy.
20% of people would not have gone to another provider, for example, they would have received no support for improving their health.
Amendments to Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) introduced requirements for the promotion of healthy living, which pharmacy contractors must be compliant with from 1 January 2021.Pharmacies will no longer be required to comply with the PHE quality criteria. This has been superseded by the amendments to the terms of service. However, it is important to note that the PHE quality criteria have informed the development of the updated requirements.
The requirements for the promotion of healthy living in the terms of service are detailed in the following document: Guidance on the National Health Service (Charges and Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2020.
Contractors are advised to work with members of their team to develop an action plan for how they will achieve each of the requirements and demonstrate compliance to NHS England and NHS Improvement.