Volunteer as a CityParks Ranger
Find out what CityParks Ranger volunteers do, how you can get involved and where to find other conservation volunteering groups in Brighton & Hove.
What CityPark Ranger volunteers do
CityParks Ranger volunteers carry out practical conservation projects in parks and nature reserves across Brighton & Hove. They work alongside our park rangers and gardeners.
Typical tasks include:
- tree planting
- coppicing
- hedge laying
- scrub bashing
- gardening
- path installation
- fencing
- wildflower planting
You don't need any experience to become a CityPark Ranger volunteer. We provide all the tools (and the tea and coffee).
CityParks Ranger volunteers meet every Wednesday and Friday at 10am.
Other conservation volunteer groups
There are a wide range of other conservation groups across the city. If you're interested in working in your local park or as part of a specific action group, you can visit the Brighton & Hove Green Space Forum to find a volunteering opportunity that works for you.
How to become a CityPark Ranger
Contact the City Park Ranger volunteer team to join the mailing list.
Once you've joint the mailing list the team will send you an email once a week with details of tasks. They'll also send a map showing how to get to the meeting point.
If you want to join in, just reply to the email and arrive at the meeting point at 10am.