How we create a fair and inclusive workplace
Find out how we create a fair and inclusive workplace.
How we create a fair and inclusive workplace
We're striving to build an inclusive workplace culture, where all employees feel valued and our rich diversity is celebrated by everyone.
As part of this commitment, we work collaboratively with our staff networks which you are encouraged to join:
- Black & Minority Ethnic Workers' Forum
- Disabled Workers and Carers Network
- Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Workers' Forum
- Women's Network
We encourage people from all sections of our community to apply for jobs with us. We particularly welcome Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, disabled, male and trans applicants because these groups are currently under-represented in our workforce.
When you apply for a job at the council, we'll ask you to fill in an equalities monitoring form. Your answers are kept strictly confidential at all times and we will not identify individuals. The equalities data we collect helps us to identify any disproportionate outcomes for applicants and to target our positive actions that will address them.
Workforce equalities report
Download our workforce equalities reports from 2014 to 2019 and find links to our reports from 2019 onwards.
Our Fair and Inclusive Action Plan
Read our plan which outlines how we ensure the council is a fair and inclusive place to work.
What our staff have to say
“The people I work with and the culture of the workplace is amazing! […] The values of the Council make it super inclusive and working arrangements are flexible to suit individuals.”