We are developing new guidance to help shape buildings and spaces around the city. The aim is to make them easier to use and more attractive to people.
The ‘issues and options’ stage of the ‘Urban Design Framework’ will soon be available for Brighton & Hove’s communities to give their comments and views.
People experience spaces in the city in different ways. Some spaces can feel unwelcoming or are not easy to use or move around in. In a densely populated place like Brighton & Hove public open spaces in particular are not always easily accessible.
As the city grows we will be presented with proposals to build new buildings and places. This provides the opportunity to improve existing areas as well as making sure we get usable, flexible and high quality new buildings and attractive public spaces.
The information residents and communities provide will help shape the Urban Design Framework which the council, developers and landowners will use to make sure buildings and spaces fit the needs and aspirations of everyone who lives, works, studies in and visits the city.
The ‘Issues and Options’ paper for the Urban Design Framework will invite views on five key issues. These range from identifying priority areas for enhancement and design principles for buildings and public spaces to how to successfully accommodate taller development and manage change where it affects key views into and across the city.
The Urban Design Framework was discussed at the Tourism, Development & Culture Committee (agenda item 12) on 21 June.
You will be able to contribute your comments from 5 July to 13 September 2018
How it will be used
The Urban Design Framework will be a supplementary planning document.
The “UDF SPD” guidance will set out and provide examples of what features high-quality, accessible buildings and spaces should be included when new larger planning applications are put forward.
Although the SPD will not make new or change existing planning policies, the council will use it to help achieve those policies – for example in building new high quality and accessible homes with usable outside space and to complement the ‘place-making’ policies to create attractive and successful public spaces.
Planning policies are set out in the City Plan Part 1 and City Plan Part 2. You will be able to have your say on City Plan Part 2 during the same period. The draft City Plan Part 2 builds on earlier consultation and stakeholder engagement so it has included the views of local people from the beginning. Find out more about the City Plan Part 2.
Talking to a wide range of stakeholder groups in the city will provide another opportunity for local people to inform design priorities so that the aspirations of different communities are reflected in the guidance.
Dedicated workshops for representatives of groups and organisations with a stake in the planning process will take place during the consultation period. For more information about these please email planningprojects@brighton-hove.gov.uk