Field officers are out and about seven days a week across the city tackling concerns raised by residents and businesses.
The team takes council services out to local communities and every day is different, depending on what reports come in.
Noise prompts most complaints – whether it’s a one off event like a loud party or ongoing disturbance from noisy neighbours.
The field officers also respond to a wide variety of other issues, including for example:
- Bonfires
- Fly-tipping
- Barking dogs
- Illegal street trading
- Blocked drains
- Obstructions on pavements
- Motorbikes being ridden on footpaths
They also help with monthly air monitoring checks at dozens of points across Brighton & Hove.
All in a day’s work
Working closely with local people and problem solving is at the heart of the field officers’ work.
They link up with other council departments, and other organisations in the city, to get to the root of the problem and get things sorted.
Field officer, Teresa Reynolds, said: “There is no such thing as a typical day. We can go from serving an enforcement notice, or responding to a complaint about noise, to changing the tubes which are used to monitor air quality around the city.
“We need to be compassionate as well as enforcing regulations, it is a fine balance.”
She added: “Sometimes on a straightforward call we might discover other underlying issues. For example, a neighbour who is the subject of a noise complaint may be a vulnerable person who needs other support, and we can contact other services to help with that.”
Making a difference
The range of issues the team deals with is growing as the service develops and reacts to the needs of local communities.
These are just a few examples of where their action is making a difference:
- Arranging for used needles and rubbish left in the street and on open ground to be removed and for cleaning to be carried out
- Tracking down a key holder for an empty property where an alarm had been ringing for more than 24 hours
- Taking enforcement action to clear large items of furniture which were blocking and creating a potential hazard for pedestrians
To report a problem:
Find out more about the field officers.