It’s been another challenging week for everyone and I want to say a huge thank you to all in our community who have been working so hard and helping in so many different ways.
I have been overwhelmed – although not surprised – by the generosity and kindness of people across the city, as individuals and community groups have stepped up to play their part.
So many people are playing a crucial role, from our fantastic NHS staff and carers, to all the other key workers ensuring that our daily life continues, even if it is very different to a month or so back.
Volunteers have turned out in force to support efforts to help vulnerable and isolated people in the city and people have dug deep – at a time when many are feeling financial hardship – to support fundraising appeals.
It has been wonderful to see the Brighton & Hove Food Partnership’s community appeal top £30,000 and still rising, and so many local groups involved in distributing food around the city to those who need it. As a council we have been pleased to match the community appeal with a £30,000 contribution. Find out more and how to donate.
Others have answered our call and donated vital PPE equipment, or helped to provide meals and other essentials for people who had been sleeping rough and are now being accommodated in hotels.
And so many are helping out neighbours, friends, and people who were strangers before this crisis brought us all together, with shopping and phone calls to keep their spirits up.
Find out more if you are interested in volunteering with a local group.
Businesses are also playing their part in a range of different ways. Just one example is Higgidy Pies which delivered 100 parcels of pies to a local children’s centre.
So many people are making a difference, there are so many unsung heroes, and it is impossible list all the ways people are helping.
Stay safe this weekend - it is as important as ever to stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.
Councillor Nancy Platts
Leader of the Council
100 Higgety Pie parcels were delivered to Tarner Children’s Centre. Pictured with the pies is Natalie Stone, an Early Years Educator based at Tarner.