We are in very challenging times, the like of which none of us could ever have expected to see. I know it is an extremely difficult time for many, and we are all particularly concerned about the vulnerable in our communities
But in the midst of so much worry, uncertainty, and the complete upheaval of our everyday lives, it’s fantastic to see the way people in the city are pulling together to help each other out.
In recent days and weeks, I’ve seen the huge rallying of work and support from our community and voluntary sector and our faith groups, and my heartfelt praise and thanks goes out to each and every one of them.
As well as making changes to their own lives, people are quickly adapting the work of their groups and organisations, so they can continue to provide vital support for local communities.
They are stepping outside of their usual roles, being flexible and adaptable to the current need, to do whatever they can to help. I’ve witnessed a tremendous coming together of groups and services, working collaboratively for the good of everyone in our city.
And I know many individuals are also playing their part, checking on older neighbours or others who are self-isolating, to make sure they have the food and medication they need, or just keeping in touch with a friendly chat on the phone.
Whether you are working to ensure food reaches those who need it, helping the homeless, reaching out to those who are socially isolated, or in one of the many other ways people have been contributing, please know that you are making a huge difference.
Emergency fund for community groups
We’ve set up a Coronavirus emergency fund to help local community and voluntary organisations who are supporting the city’s most vulnerable residents.
£150,000 is being made available to support organisations facing unexpected costs as a direct result of the impact of COVID-19, either on the organisation or on the residents they support.
Keep social distancing
It is vital we all keep ourselves, as well as others, safe at this time and follow the government guidance on social distancing - Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives.
I also want to reassure people who have may have noticed a more visible police presence. The police are there to provide reassurance, offer guidance around social distancing guidelines and provide additional measures to keep our communities safe.
Here to help
Our Communities, Equality and Third Sector Team is here to support and reassure our diverse communities throughout this difficult period. If you become aware of particular concerns affecting your community, please email equalities@brighton-hove.gov.uk.
For more information visit the Coronavirus section on our website which is being continually updated.
Thank you once again to everyone helping out in our community.
Councillor Amanda Grimshaw
Lead Member for Equalities