We have been informed that our application for funding from the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund, to support the measures that were voted through at our Environment, Transport and Sustainability committee last week has been successful.
The council’s application was approved by the Department for Transport earlier this week and the council was allocated £663,000 - which is significantly higher than the £594,000 maximum bid allocation that was expected, due to our application scoring maximum marks against the criteria.
The money that has been awarded will go towards creating emergency active travel measures in anticipation of the shortfall in public transport capacity including new temporary cycle lanes and improving the existing cycle infrastructure, enhancing walking facilities to support physical distancing and active travel, business re-opening, and upgrading the access to cycle parking and cycle hire around the city.
The temporary measures that have been approved and are underway include phase one of the new westbound on-carriageway temporary cycle lane on A259, footway widening in retail areas and bus stops to allow social distancing, and additional cycle parking at Valley Gardens to meet demand. All improvements are due to be completed within 8 weeks of receiving funding.
A healthier, stronger and safer city
We are committed in supporting Brighton & Hove reopen as a healthier, stronger and safer city - fit for the future. So cycling and walking infrastructure in the city is vital for guaranteeing that we emerge from lockdown with foundations for this future, that also align with our commitment for the city to be Carbon Neutral by 2030.
Councillor Anne Pissaridou, Chair of the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee, said: “I am delighted that we have been awarded this sum of money from the Department for Transport.
“These temporary schemes and improvements to the existing transport infrastructure enable both residents and visitors to move about the city safely as we start to reopen the city.
“The space we have reallocated for walking and cycling will have a lasting impact on Brighton & Hove as a city that champions active travel as we aim for the city to be carbon neutral by 2030.
“I would also like to thank officers for their efforts in putting together this application, gaining maximum marks and therefore being awarded more money than expected is a testament to the work they do keeping our city moving.”
Councillor Pete West, the opposition spokesperson for the Environment, Transport and Sustainability Committee said: “This announcement of extra funding for the temporary measures, supporting growing demand for active travel, is amazing news for the city.
“Improving our active travel infrastructure so that residents are able to walk and cycle around the city safely is important to our economic recovery, and to achieving carbon neutrality in Brighton & Hove.
“As ever, I would like to thank council officers for their exceptional efforts in putting together this application, gaining full marks against the criteria and achieving more money than originally expected.”
We’re inviting residents to comment on the temporary changes we’ve implemented through a survey on the council’s website. We’re also keen to hear whether these changes have altered residents’ travel habits and behaviours. Anyone responding will be able to comment on each change individually.
If you are unable to complete the survey online because of your specific needs and want to give us your views on the temporary changes, please email transport.projects@brighton-hove.gov.uk and a member of staff will be in touch to help you share them.