Did you know that this week is National Shared Lives Week?
Shared Lives is a scheme where you look after adults who can’t live independently because of their learning disability or mental health, in your own home.
Councillor Kate Knight's daughter is a Shared Lives carer. So she knows exactly what this work entails and how rewarding it can be.
Councillor Knight said: "I’ve seen, first hand, the amazing relationships that are built and how everyone really benefits from that experience.
"When I visit my daughter, I sometimes think that the person she looks after is more pleased to see me than my grandchildren.
"I also know that, during the Coronavirus lockdown, our Shared Lives carers have really gone the extra mile, providing reassurance, practical help and a degree of stability in what has often been a very anxious time for all of us.
"To do that, they have shown great resourcefulness and imagination, determined to maintain an excellent quality of life for the people they look after and care about.
"So I’d like to say a massive thank you to our Shared Lives carers for all the great work they do for us. I am immensely proud of the fantastic commitment they have shown throughout this difficult time.
"They really are among the unsung heroes of our city.
"I’d also like to invite more of our residents to consider becoming Shared Lives carers.
"We welcome couples or single people, with or without children, home owners or tenants. Some carers do it full-time, others on a short-breaks or sessional basis. It is similar to fostering. Full training and support are provided.
"Many of our carers say joining our Shared Lives scheme is the best decision they’ve ever made. I know my daughter would agree with that!"
If you’re looking for a life-changing job you can do in your own home, please:
- call 01273 295550 for a friendly chat by phone or Skype
- email info.sharedlives@brighton-hove.gov.uk
- visit www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/sharedlives
Councillor Kate Knight is deputy chair of the council’s children, young people and skills committee.