Brighton & Hove’s climate assembly will bring together around 50 residents to help shape how the city will address the climate crisis over the next 10 years and prioritise actions to take forward.
Keep an eye on your post over the next few days as invitations have been sent to a randomly chosen selection of 10,600 residents.
From those that accept, the sample will be broken down to ensure the final number represent the diversity of the city and are from across the geographical area.
Due to safety precautions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the assembly sessions will be held online over five sessions from September to November.
Make your voice heard
Residents on the assembly will have the opportunity to meet virtually with individuals from all walks of life, hear from engaging expert speakers, and discuss issues in small groups, with facilitators to make sure everyone has their voice heard.
Transport will be the first subject to be considered as it accounts for almost exactly one third of the city’s carbon emissions.
Ipsos MORI have been designing the sessions and will deliver the climate assembly, working in partnership with the Sortition Foundation to recruit people to take part.
You don’t need any prior knowledge to be a member of the climate assembly, all that is required is a willingness to listen to the information and share opinions.
If you receive one of these invitations, please respond by 23 August.
Co-chair of the Carbon Neutral 2030 working group councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty said: "We have been clear that as a council we wish to work with all partners to resolve some of our city's biggest challenges. The city's first climate assembly presents a great opportunity for us to work together on how we reach our target of carbon neutrality by 2030.
“We want to hear from residents from as many different communities in the city as we can - so I would encourage all those who receive an invitation to apply. It’s an opportunity to have your voice heard and be part of shaping the actions needed to address the climate crisis.”
Co-chair of the Carbon Neutral 2030 working group, councillor Nancy Platts, said: “We can all see from the changing weather patterns that the climate crisis is happening. We need to move quickly but we need everyone to sign up to the actions needed. Our Climate Assembly is designed to involve people right from the start and this is a chance to shape the city, so it is here for future generations.”
The Climate Assembly’s report will be presented to the council in early 2021.
More about the climate assembly
Our commitment to tackling the climate crisis
We have committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

It’s an ambitious target but as one of the first councils in the country to recognise and declare climate and biodiversity emergencies, we believe we must take action now and use our resources to work alongside the city to cut greenhouse gas emissions.
We're already seeing the consequences of climate change in our city and around the world. Together we can make a difference if we act now.
As a creative, caring and environmentally aware city working together and supporting each other, we can have a much bigger impact. We will be able to turn ideas into practical steps, make changes as individuals and organisations to reduce carbon emissions and put in place long-term solutions to safeguard the planet for the next generation.
More about why we must take action now.
Becoming carbon neutral by 2030 – what you can do
This summer, explore The Living Coast and the wonderful wildlife of the South Downs National Park and help protect the world-class environment on our doorstep. Learn about how the climate has affected the natural world in the museums’ Climate Conversations series.
More tips on what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint.