In these unusual times it’s even more important that as a city we work together to ensure that children are safe. If you see or hear something that worries you – please say something!
Please call the council’s Front Door for Families on 01273 290400 if you are worried that a child may be at risk or in need of support. In an emergency call 999.
That’s the message from Brighton & Hove’s Safeguarding Children Partnership. This brings together the council, Sussex Police and NHS professionals to help keep children in the city safe.
The chair of the council’s children, young people and skills committee, Councillor John Allcock, said: “Many families are under extra pressure at the moment because of Coronavirus and the restrictions that have been imposed.
“Children and young people may be struggling to deal with big changes such as not being able to see friends and extended family, or do normal social activities. Many are feeling isolated, worried and vulnerable.
“Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. We are asking all our residents to keep their eyes and ears open and look out for children who may need help.
“If in doubt, please make that call to us – and help us to help children who may be in need of safeguarding and support."