Residents will soon be asked if they would like to adopt and care for a tree in their area.
Locals may also have the chance to become trained tree wardens and check trees for possible diseases.
The ideas are included in a consultation being launched by the council as part of a strategy to save and develop the city’s historic tree population.
City Parks, the council’s open spaces team, also want the public’s views on planting more trees, off-street parking, dropped kerbs and tackling tree-destroying infections like Elm Disease and Ash Die Back.
Looking after trees for future generations
Councillor Anne Pissaridou, chair of the council’s Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, said: “Trees are one of the most valued and loved assets managed by the council, so we must make sure they are looked after properly now and for future generations.
“They are also an extremely important part of helping the council’s pledge to become a carbon neutral city by 2030.”
The consultation is due to be launched in mid-March and will be available to view on the council’s consultation portal. There will also be a link to the Tree Strategy.
Councillor Pissaridou added: “It’s really important we hear people’s views on our tree strategy, so I’m encouraging everyone to get involved.
“We want to understand what’s important to our residents, what they want us to be doing more of and what, if anything, they can do to help.”
The consultation will include about ten questions and should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.
The strategy is 48 pages long and will appeal to people that are more technically minded. There will be a much shorter summary of the strategy for easier reading.
We will issue more details nearer the time of the launch.