City Plan Part 2 online public hearings
Online public hearings of the City Plan will take place from 2 November 2021.
Brighton & Hove’s City Plan Part 2 is currently being examined by a government planning inspector.
The public will be able to watch sessions live on the council’s YouTube channel.
A guide to new development in the city to 2030, the City Plan Part 2 aims to provide homes, jobs and facilities for local people, reduce carbon emissions and improve biodiversity and public open space.
City Plan Part 2 will complement City Plan Part 1 and once adopted will be used to underpin planning decisions on planning applications in the city. It will help ensure proposals for new development is of high quality and meets the needs of residents, businesses and visitors.
City Plan Part 2 consultation
The council carried out public consultation throughout the process of developing City Plan Part 2. During the last one in May 2020, the council received 810 responses from 272 respondents, before submitting it to the Secretary of State for examination. The public examination is the next step towards its adoption.
The online hearings will be undertaken by Ms R Barrett MRTPI, IHBC, the Planning Inspector appointed by the government.
Find more information about the City Plan Part 2 examination on our website including information on what ‘Matters and Questions’ the Inspector intends to explore during the hearings, a timetable of which matters will be heard on particular days and details of who will be taking part in the hearing sessions.
How to watch the sessions
Sessions will start at 10am on the first day and from 9.30am on subsequent days. The hearings will last just over 2 weeks.
A streaming link will become available when each session begins. To view them live, click on the hearing session link under the ‘upcoming live stream’.
You won’t have to log into YouTube or create an account to access the live stream.
The live streams will not be available to watch after the hearing sessions have ended.
Find out more about City Plan Part 2.