We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Neighbourhood planning is a way that local people can take a lead in planning the future of their area. They can choose where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built. They have the opportunity it set out what new buildings should look like and what infrastructure and facilities they need.
It can be led by a parish council or by a neighbourhood forum set up for the purpose. Neighbourhood forums are open to anyone who lives or works in the area they cover.
Once they get officially approved, neighbourhood forums can prepare a neighbourhood plan, setting out local planning policies for their area.
Neighbourhood plans must be broadly in line with the City Plan, but once approved, neighbourhood plan policies will be used to help decide the outcome of planning applications in the area.
Coldean residents also want to create their own Neighbourhood Area covering the whole of Coldean and the surrounding area which lies within the South Downs National Park. The proposed boundaries stretch from Lewes Road to Ditchling Road and from the Wild Park boundary to the A27 Bypass.
The neighbourhood plan policies would apply to the Neighbourhood Area.
Give your views
Councillor Martin Osborne, co-chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee which oversees planning policy, said: “Neighbourhood planning gives local communities the power to set out what they want in their area and have their plan considered when deciding planning applications.
"We welcome all comments on the proposals drawn up by Coldean residents and I hope it may inspire more people to create neighbourhood forums and Neighbourhood Areas.”
You can send comments or make enquiries by email to neighbourhoodplanning@brighton-hove.gov.uk or give your views in writing to: Neighbourhood Planning, Brighton & Hove City Council, First Floor Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, BN3 3BQ.
Paper copies of the submitted documents will be available in Coldean, Jubilee and Hove libraries. Large print copies of the documents are also available on request. Telephone enquiries can be made to our answerphone service on 01273 291580.
The closing date for comments is Monday 7 October.
We will report back on the results of the consultation at the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee on 11 November.
Neighbourhood planning in Brighton & Hove
If approved, this will be the fifth neighbourhood forum in the city, following previous successful applications from the Hove Station area, Hove Park, Brighton Marina and Hangleton & Knoll. Rottingdean Parish Council is also a neighbourhood planning body.