We're having to remove a much-loved but dying sycamore tree from a busy Brighton street.
The tree, which sits at the junction of Stanford Road and Hamilton Road, is riddled with fungi that has caused extensive decay to the trunk.
Removal is necessary
Although local residents treasure the sycamore as a real Prestonville landmark, its removal is necessary as the tree failed its health and safety inspection and would, in time, fall over onto the road.
The tree, which will be taken down in around two weeks, looks in fairly good health. But the decay is mainly at the back of the tree and cannot be spotted easily by passers-by.
Local ward councillor Leo Littman said: “It’s a great shame that this magnificent tree must be removed, but sadly our tree experts know there’s no other choice.”
Community to help decide replacement
The council’s tree planting officer will liaise with community organisations and the three ward councillors – Councillor Amy Heley, Councillor Siriol Hugh-Jones and Councillor Littman - on options to replace the tree.
Councillor Littman added: “Let’s hope that in time it’s replacement will also become a focal point for the area.”