A new joint initiative with Sussex Police around tackling alcohol-related anti-social behaviour (ASB) is being launched this week to tie in with the national ASB Awareness Week.
The new process aims to make it simpler to deal with public nuisance and disorder through the city-wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) restricting alcohol consumption.
Our community safety team have been out this week putting new signs up in areas where residents have told us that alcohol-related ASB has become a problem.
We’re supporting the UK’s first national ASB Awareness Week, running from 19 to 25 July, aiming to bring people together to take a stand against ASB and highlight the importance of reporting.
Alcohol restrictions
The PSPO means that a police or other authorised officer can require anyone behaving anti-socially in a public place to stop drinking and hand over their alcohol. In the vast majority of cases, this works to put a stop to the nuisance quickly.
In the very few cases where someone refuses to hand over their alcohol, they’ll now be faced with an immediate ‘Fixed Penalty Notice’ (FPN) and a fine of £75.
As has been the case since the restrictions have been in place, the emphasis is about stopping the anti-social behaviour.
FPNs will only be used as a final option when people refuse requests to hand over alcohol. In that small minority of cases, this helps avoid a lengthy time-consuming legal process.
ASB Awareness Week
Councillor Steph Powell, co-chair of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture committee, said:
“We fully support ASB Awareness Week. It’s a great opportunity for us to highlight of how the city’s Community Safety partnership work together to tackle ASB in the city and support all those affected by it.
“Our new way of working with Sussex Police on alcohol-related ASB is a good example.
“The city-wide alcohol PSPO is in place to allow officers to challenge any alcohol-related ASB and, in almost all cases, the warning is enough to deal with the problem quickly.
“The aim of switching to the simpler use of fixed penalty notices is to help strengthen the response. We hope that it will never need to be used.
“ASB is not low-level crime, it can devastate the lives of victims and communities. If you’re experiencing any ASB in your community, please do report it.”
Chief Superintendent Nick May, Divisional Commander for Brighton & Hove, said:
“Sussex Police recognises the impact anti-social behaviour can have on individuals and communities.
“Locally, during ‘Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week’ and beyond, Brighton & Hove officers will be out in the community to provide visibility and engagement opportunities, proactively dealing with nuisance or problem areas,
“In partnership with Brighton & Hove City Council, the alcohol PSPO enables officers to ensure the community can use and enjoy public spaces, free from alcohol related anti-social behaviour.”
Reporting anti-social behaviour and hate crime
Everyone in Brighton & Hove has a right to feel safe.
We encourage anyone who has experienced anti-social behaviour or hate incidents, including harassment, to report it.
Brighton & Hove City Council works closely with the police and our communities to prevent anti-social behaviour and hate incidents and support anyone affected.
Council tenants and housing association tenants who've experienced ASB or hate incidents in or near their homes should report it to their landlord.
You can contact our community safety team by:
Or report anti-social behaviour and hate incidents to Sussex Police or call them on 101 if it’s not an emergency.