We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Update on Covid business support – deadlines extended
Businesses can still apply for grants covering the second lockdown between 5 November and 1 December and eligible pubs and bars for Christmas Support Payments.
Following government changes made at the end of last week, applications for Christmas Support Payments have been extended to 28 February, so If you haven’t made a claim yet don’t delay. Applications take around 30 minutes through our online form.
There is no closing date for the other government business grants which are available for the November lockdown, the tier 2 December restrictions that followed, and further payments if restrictions continue.
Businesses only need to make one application for the main business grants – we will work out all your grants entitlements from 1 November onwards.
Some businesses that were not eligible for earlier grants may now be able to get a payment from the current lockdown. For example, businesses that were rejected for earlier grants because they were not forced to close, may be able to claim for the current lockdown.
We are currently adapting the online application form to take account of the changes.
How to make a claim
You can make your business grant application through the secure online form. There is an applicants’ guide to help businesses through the process.
Many of the city’s businesses severely affected by Covid have applied for a support payment. This includes restaurants, pubs and bars.
Charities, social enterprises and community centres that operate commercially can also claim.
You don’t have to be closed to get the grants. For example, if a restaurant is normally your main business it doesn’t matter if you have been operating as a takeaway or online.
As well as the main grants, which are for businesses that pay business rates, we have a discretionary grant scheme – called the Additional Restriction Grant – for businesses which do not pay rates or do not have their own premises.
How much can you get?
There are various grants and payments available. The applicants’ guide details the different amounts under each grant.
Christmas support payments
Pubs and bars can claim a Christmas Support Payment, which is an extra £1,000.
To claim this payment businesses must have already submitted a claim for the main grants. Then you can go back in the portal and hit the ‘wet pub application’ button to answer a small number of questions and make a separate application.
Government guidance states that the Christmas Support Payment is only payable to businesses who are liable for business rates.
We have made payments throughout January and aim to be up to date with payments by 15 February 2021.
More information
Further information about the grants are on the businesses and employers web page.
We want as many businesses as possible to claim grants. We are making sure that, while fairly applying the government rules, we maximise the amounts we can pay and use our discretionary funds wisely. Our aim is to provide extra support wherever we can as the journey through lockdowns and restrictions continues.