We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Brighton & Hove launches Circular Economy Routemap and Action Plan
Brighton & Hove was one of the first councils to declare climate and biodiversity emergencies and commit to becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
In 2018 we committed to creating a Circular Economy Routemap to 2035 as part of our Economic Strategy, and we reiterated this commitment in the council’s 2030 Carbon Neutral Programme.
After 18 months of research and targeted engagement working with local experts, including the Circular Economy research and innovation practice SOENECS Ltd., Circular Brighton & Hove, University of Brighton and University of Sussex, we have now launched the Circular Economy Routemap and Action Plan.
The Routemap and Action Plan will help the city move away from a ‘take, make, consume and throw-away’ society towards one that minimises waste and pollution, keeps products and materials in use for as long as possible and supports the regeneration and protection of natural resources.
Our vision is for our city to become a national front runner where Circular Economy practices and principles are embraced by all, as a route to address the climate and biodiversity emergency.
To achieve this, our mission is to empower the city to stop being wasteful, do more with less, achieve carbon neutrality and support the recovery of nature by encouraging everyone to adopt a circular mindset.
Cllr Phelim Mac Cafferty, City Council Leader, said:
“Brighton & Hove is proudly leading the way in making the transition to what are known as Circular Economy practices.
"A Circular Economy is a number of things: it’s about helping to end wasteful practices while designing out waste from the outset. It’s about doing more with less and preventing overconsumption while restoring nature.
"Crucially, it’s one of the key ways we’ll tackle the climate crisis.”
Cllr Mac Cafferty spoke at FOOTPRINT+, the new UK property event for a zero carbon future held at Hove Lawns, where he said:
“We’ve been hard at work drawing up a Circular Economy action plan for the city which has an initial focus on the built environment. We’ve adopted a New Build Housing Sustainability Policy to deliver new council homes with significantly reduced whole life carbon emissions.”
Cllr John Allcock, co-chair of the 2030 carbon neutral programme working group, said:
“We were one of the first councils to declare a climate emergency, and we’ve not only recognised the crisis we’ve set to work on doing something about it.
“Working towards carbon net zero, and building community wealth, are central priorities in our corporate plan, and fostering a circular economy is central to both goals.
“A circular economy will help local businesses and residents financially, and it will help significantly reduce our carbon footprint as a city, as we work towards reversing climate catastrophe.”
From construction to food, textiles, plastics and electronics, Brighton & Hove has a wealth of Circular Economy business activity and community initiatives helping the city to reduce, reuse, repair and rethink our use of materials.
The Routemap and Action Plan will accelerate and support this activity.
The Routemap will grow and evolve over time, shaped around new opportunities, learning and collaboration as the city begins to unlock its potential and transition towards circular systems and ways of working.
It will help to drive sustainable economic prosperity and protect our communities and the environment.
The Action Plan will push forward the Routemap agenda using the council’s planning, procuring and convening powers. It will be updated as the Routemap expands and new opportunities emerge.
Get involved
A move to the Circular Economy must involve stakeholders across the city. Businesses operating locally can reduce waste and take advantage of new business models.
Universities can foster the development of new materials and enterprises. Schools can nurture circular thinking in young minds. Residents and communities can work together to share and re-use.
Residents wishing to support a city-wide culture shift and education campaign in 2022 can register interest to become a Circular Economy Champion by emailing BLUEPRINT@ brighton-hove.gov.uk with the subject line “Becoming a Circular Economy Champion”.
Brighton & Hove’s key climate achievements to date
UNESCO Biosphere designation for Brighton & Hove
Brighton & Hove City Council first to commit to One Planet Action Plan
In September 2019 we welcomed our first accredited climate change teacher in the city
First city in the UK to achieve Gold Sustainable Food City status
First city in the UK to have buses that can run in zero emissions mode when they go through the city centre
The Brighton Waste House is Europe's first permanent public building made almost entirely from material thrown away or not wanted
Whole School, Whole City climate education strategy