City Plan Part 2 - Inspector’s report is published
The independent planning inspector appointed by the government to examine the City Plan Part 2 has found the plan legally sound and compliant. It will now be considered for formal adoption as part of the city’s development plan.
Adopted in 2016, City Plan Part One sets out the strategic planning framework for the city to 2030, including targets for new housing and employment, and where new strategic development should go.
City Plan Part 2 details policies for managing new development and further site allocations to help deliver much needed high-quality development.
In May 2021 it was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. A government inspector was then appointed to examine the plan and, as part of that process, public hearings were held in November 2021.
The Inspector has now published her report into the examination of City Plan Part 2 and has concluded that with the recommended changes it satisfies legal requirements, complies with national planning policy and provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the city.
The examination has now ended, and the Inspector is not inviting further views or comments on the report. The published report can be viewed from today on our website or at the following locations:
- Brighton Customer Service Centre, Bartholomew House, Bartholomew Square, Brighton, BN1 1JE (open from 9am to 4:30pm from Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays)
- Hove Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, BN3 3BQ open from 9am to 4:30pm from Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays)
- City libraries during normal opening hours
The Inspector’s report will be taken to the Tourism Economy, Culture & Communities Committee on 15 September before a final decision on its adoption is made at the Full Council meeting on 20 October 2022.