We’ve had an unexpected delay delivering visitor parking permits. If you need visitor parking permits, we recommend you apply for them as soon as you can to make sure you get them in time. We’re working to resolve this as fast as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience.
The Great British Spring Clean returns to Brighton & Hove
The Great British Spring Clean returns to Brighton & Hove
Once again, we’re organising cleaning, weeding and litter picking events across the city to prepare for the spring and summer seasons.
Residents are invited to join us at events across Brighton & Hove to improve the look and feel of the city. We’ll share details for other events in the coming days.
Previous years have been hugely successful in sprucing up the city, bringing residents together and building stronger community connections.
The Great British Spring Clean is a campaign hosted by Keep Britain Tidy and runs from 17 March to 2 April. It is the UK’s largest mass-action environmental campaign.
Whether you’re dusting up your doorstep, attending an event or want to organise your own beach litter pick, anyone can be part of this year’s Great British Spring Clean.
Weed Warrior launch event
We’re inviting volunteers to join us at our ‘Weed Warrior’ launch event in Ladies Mile to tackle weeds and overgrown vegetation.
We’re launching the scheme to help Cityclean keep up with the demand of manual weeding through the spring and summer months.
Volunteers will work together to remove weeds by carrying out weed management and vegetation control tasks.
Like last year, we’re encouraging residents to dust up their doorsteps. This might involve removing stickers from lampposts and parking signs, collecting litter on your street or removing weeds from outside your home.
Joining in and dusting up your doorstep will benefit you and your neighbours.
The best part? You can participate at a time that suits you!
We’re supporting individuals and groups across the city by providing equipment and advice on health and safety.
Targeted action zones
As part of GBSC, we’ll be focusing our attention on removing graffiti, flyposters and stickering in the North Laine and the Lanes.
We’re committed to reducing the amount of illegal graffiti around the city and launched a year-long programme of targeted action zones to remove graffiti in busy areas in Brighton & Hove.
Environmental Enforcement Officers will patrol the areas and issue Community Protection Warnings and Notices to organisations who own street furniture, requesting them to remove graffiti or face enforcement action.
Clean benches in the city
Our street cleansing team will be cleaning benches on New Road, Queens Road and Brighton Station as part of our GBSC efforts.
During this time, the benches will be repaired, cleaned and revarnished.
Enjoy the sunshine
Councillor Elaine Hills, Co-chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, said: “The Great British Spring Clean is a valuable national initiative that we’re delighted to part of again.
“We all share a responsibility in ensuring Brighton & Hove is a clean and tidy place to live, work and enjoy. Persistent fly posters, fly-tippers and graffiti taggers are harming the environment and enjoyment of our city, but we can all work together to clean up the city to deter them in the future.
“The community spring clean events are a wonderful opportunity to meet other local people, clean up our city and enjoy our streets and green spaces in the spring sunshine.
“If you’re not able to attend one of the scheduled events, why not organise your own clean up event? Gather your friends, family and neighbours and do something positive in your local community.”
Let us know how much you love Brighton & Hove
Why not show off how much you love Brighton & Hove by sharing pictures of what you have been up to as part of the Great British Spring Clean?
Upload your pictures to social media and use the #LitterHeroes, #GreatBritishSpringClean and #DustUpYourDoorstep hashtags.
Tag us to make sure we see your contributions to our city!