Vision agreed for a better Brighton & Hove for all
A vision for a 'better Brighton & Hove for all' has been agreed by the council in their new Council Plan for 2023 to 2027. The plan was approved by councillors at a meeting of Full Council on Thursday 20 July.
After the bold new vision for the city was agreed, Councillor Bella Sankey, Leader of Brighton & Hove City Council said: “I’m delighted that our 2023 to 2027 plan has been agreed and we can continue to get on with the job at hand – working towards a better Brighton & Hove for all.
“We remain determined that this council will deliver the services the city deserves, respond and listen to the needs of our residents and communities and help alleviate hardship.
“Whether you live work, work, study, or just visiting we will strive for a city to be proud of, where everyone is included and has the opportunity to grow and thrive.
“This plan will shape the direction of our policy and services for years to come and I’m excited for the task to come in delivering our new vision.”
The Council Plan 2023 to 2027 will now be embedded into the council’s service planning and performance management. The plan aims to deliver four outcomes for the city:
- A city to be proud of
- Investing in our city
- An accessible, clean and sustainable city
- A fair and inclusive city
- An inclusive and more equitable city
- A city where people feel safe, included and welcome
- Homes for everyone
- A heathy city where people thrive
- A better future for children and young people
- Living and ageing well
- A responsive council with well-run services