Celebrating the achievements of students with Special Educational Needs
School leavers from Brighton & Hove’s special schools for children and young people with Special Educational Needs gained significant educational achievements in 2023/24, including independent living and communication skills, English and Maths qualifications and work experience.
Hill Park School, The Hive, Downs View School and Downs View Link College provide education for children and young people in Brighton & Hove with complex needs.
Downs View Link College
Learners at the college are aged 16 to 19 years old. Students in Year 11 successfully completed Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network (ASDAN) units in Independent Living, Community Inclusion, Employment and Healthy Eating. They are now embarking on their post 16 pathways which are tailored to prepare them for adulthood.
The Year 14 students passed their National Open College Network (NOCN) accreditation in either Personal Progress or Independent Living Skills. These courses have a strong focus on community participation and engagement with others, including art workshops, outdoor learning and a variety of different sports.
Downs View School
Downs View School is for children aged 4 to 16 years old. The school’s Year 11 students have achieved entry level qualifications in English and Maths.
Students also completed a term at Brighton MET, gained a Princes Trust Achievement Award and experienced school-based work experience. We are pleased to report that all have secured places on their chosen college course.
Hill Park School and The Hive
Hill Park School is for children aged 4 to 16 years old who have complex needs. The Hive is a site run by Hill Park School for autistic secondary aged students with high anxiety and sensory needs.
Year 11 students studying Entry Level Certificates achieved qualifications in Maths and English, and 15 students gained BTEC Level 1 and 2 qualifications in Home Cooking Skills.
Through the WJEC Entry Pathways Accreditation, students achieved qualifications in:
- Science Today
- Science and Our Universe
- Science and The Human Body
- Energy in the Home and Workplace
- Physical Education
- Healthy Living
A group of 15 students gained a Bronze Arts Award from Trinity College and 10 students gained their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.
Congratulations to students
Councillor Emma Daniel, Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Youth Services, said: “Congratulations to all the students from Downs View School, Downs View Link College, Hill Park School and The Hive for everything you achieved this year.
“From gaining qualifications in English and Maths, to developing independent living and communication skills, these achievements will enable you to continue to thrive outside of school.
“I’d also like to thank staff working in our special schools for their unwavering commitment to the education of young people in Brighton & Hove with complex needs.”