Council Leader Bella Sankey: "Last night we saw Brighton & Hove at its very best."
I am so proud of my city. Last night we saw Brighton & Hove at its very best.
Rather than the rumoured far right disorder we saw a defiant and peaceful show of solidarity, unity and love. Brighton & Hove is a welcoming city of sanctuary and it fills my heart with pride.
It is important we recognise the impact recent far right unrest has caused to the lives of many people, that we are not all experiencing it in the same way, and that the community responses we saw from people up and down our country last night will not provide an immediate stop to that.
We need to continue to challenge anti-migrant and anti-Muslim prejudice, as well as online disinformation, and continue to show care and kindness.
But Brighton & Hove sent two clear messages last night. One of solidarity with all our communities. And one making it clear that racist violence and the far right will never be welcome on our streets.
I would like to thank Sussex Police for its role in reassuring our communities and for leaving anyone considering taking part in far-right activity in no doubt as to the consequences of doing so. And also the many partner organisations and council staff who have been part of a monumental behind the scenes effort, including our colleagues in Cityclean who were out cleaning the city centre early this morning.
But mainly I would like to thank the people of Brighton & Hove. It is a privilege to lead the council in my home city. This morning, I have never been prouder to do so.
Councillor Bella Sankey
Leader of Brighton & Hove City Council
Report incidents or get support
Please ensure that you report any concerns appropriately:
- in an emergency, contact the police on 999
- in non-emergency, please contact the police on 101
Everyone in Brighton & Hove has a right to feel safe.
- If you want to report hate crime anonymously you can do this by calling Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.
- If you have the confidence to report what has happened to you, please report a hate crime online to Sussex Police or call 101.
- You can report anti-social behaviour or a hate incident to the council.
You can report offensive graffiti or tagging to Cityclean for it to be removed.
Sussex Police are also urging residents to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activity or concerns to them immediately online, via 101 or by calling 999 in an emergency, quoting Operation Skylark.