Supporting World Suicide Prevention Day 2024
World Suicide Prevention Day takes place every year on 10 September and offers a chance for people to come together to raise awareness of suicide prevention.
The theme for this year is ‘changing the narrative on suicide.’ It aims to inspire everyone to engage in open and honest discussions about suicide and suicidal behaviour.
Suicide has far-reaching consequences, there were more than 6,000 deaths by suicide in England and Wales last year. Sadly, in Brighton & Hove there were more than 120 deaths by suicide between 2021 and 2023.
Councillor Bruno De Oliveira, chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, said: “By supporting World Suicide Prevention Day we want to make it easier to talk about difficult feelings, including suicidal thoughts. If we talk more openly about suicide, we can remove the stigma, give people the chance to express how they feel, and get the support they need.”
The International Association for Suicide Prevention has some examples of how you can change the narrative and start conversations in your daily life:
- Check in with loved ones - Taking time to reach out to someone in your community, a family member, friend, colleague or even a stranger could change the course of another’s life.
- Keep informed – Refresh your awareness of suicide prevention and learn how to identify and support someone who may be thinking about suicide. Zero Suicide Alliance offer a free 10 minute online course, or you can watch a short interactive video made by local charity Grassroots Suicide Prevention
- Share your story - Individuals who have survived a suicide attempt or experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide often have valuable insights and can help us understand the importance of the words and actions of others. Sharing your story in a safe and supportive way can be powerful to both you and to those around you.
- Advocate for mental health awareness - Promote mental health awareness within your community, use social media, local events or casual conversations to help spread the message.
How to start a conversation about suicide
If you are worried about someone and struggling to find the right words, here are some ideas from Samaritans to help you start a conversation:
- Choose a safe, quiet space, give the other person your full attention and put your phone away
- Ask how they’re doing, using open questions that need more than a yes or no answer, such as “How do you feel?” or “What’s that like for you?”
- Don’t be afraid to ask someone if they’re having suicidal thoughts. It gives them permission to tell you how they feel.
- Listen without judgement and try not to jump straight in with your advice or opinions.
- Let them know that there is always someone there to listen, and support is available.
- Remember to look after yourself, support is available for you too.
Grassroots Suicide Prevention has worked with ten charities to launch the Women’s Suicide Prevention Hub, a resource for self-identifying women who are at risk of suicide and those worried about or working with them, including how to start a conversation. This hub sits alongside the Young People’s Hub and Older Adults’ Hub.
Find local support
Free same-day or next day mental health support is available in Brighton & Hove for you or for someone you are worried about:
- Call NHS 111 and select the mental health option
- Call the Samaritans on 116 123 (available 24/7 and open to all ages)
- Text the word SUSSEX to 85258 (available 24/7 and open to all ages)
- Visit a Staying Well service (out-of-hours mental health crisis support service for adults in Brighton & Hove)
Free mental health and wellbeing support
- Call the Sussex Bereaved by Suicide Support Service on 07376 616628 or email if you have been bereaved by suicide, no matter your age or how long you have been grieving.
- Visit the YMCA's e-wellbeing website to find out about the free support available for children and young people in Sussex
- Visit UOK to learn about the free support available for adults in Brighton & Hove
- Download the Stay Alive app to access useful information and tools to help you or someone you know stay safe in a mental health crisis
Local events
- 13th Sept - Dawn of Hope sponsored walk including a talk on suicide awareness
- 20th Sept – Golfing event to fundraise for Focus Foundation including a talk on suicide awareness
- 25th Sept – West area health forum for residents living in West ICT area to hear about local services including Grassroots Suicide Prevention
For more information, visit Support with your mental health and wellbeing and Help in a mental health emergency