Western Road improvements finished – tell us what you think
One of the busiest parts of the city is now a nice, safer and more accessible place to be.
A project to improve the look and feel of Western Road is now complete.
Among the new features are:
- resurfaced road and pavements
- a simpler road layout with a central area to help people cross
- more cycle parking, seating, and trees
- new loading and disabled parking bays
- new bus shelters and street lighting

Picture: The new look Western Road
New electronic bus information signs will be added next year as part of a city-wide project to upgrade the existing signs.
The changes have also included the redesign of the junction with Dyke Road, removing the traffic lights but keeping the pedestrian crossings on Western Road and North Street. This has reduced the waiting times for buses and pedestrians at the Clock Tower.
Councillor Trevor Muten, Cabinet Member for Transport, Parking and Public Realm said: “These improvements have made a big difference to a very busy shopping area of the city and just in time for the Christmas rush.
“The changes have been designed to make it safer for people to move around while new seating and trees, as well as the work we’ve done to remove graffiti tags, means it’s also a nicer place to walk around and shop.
“We’ve worked closely with the bus operators, making the space better for buses to travel through, supporting reliable journeys and timetables.
“I’d like to thank residents and businesses for their patience while the work was carried out and I’m sure they’ll agree it’s made for a much better space for everyone.”
The improvements have been paid for through successful bids to the Department for Transport’s Active Travel Fund, Highway Maintenance Challenge Fund and our Bus Service Improvement Plan. Our Carbon Neutral Fund also paid for parts of the project including new trees and cycle stands.
Tell us what you think
We’re now asking for your feedback on the improvements.
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences of using the new look Western Road.
The survey is open until 31 January 2025.
Councillor Muten continued: “We really want to know what people think of the changes. The feedback we get is something we can take on board for other improvement projects across the city.”