How to keep warm and spend less this Energy Savers Week
With energy prices on the rise, Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove are urging residents to act this Energy Savers Week by using a simple winter heating checklist to help keep themselves warm and spend less.
Residents can also contact the Energyworks team for free advice and support.
The top 10 things you can do to save money are:
- Check you are on your provider’s cheapest tariff and consider switching providers if not – can potentially save hundreds of pounds.
- Turn down the thermostat by 1 degree Celsius – can save around £145 a year
- Turn off appliances rather than leaving them on standby – £65 saved
- Make sure lights are switched off when leaving the room – £25 saved
- Don’t overfill the kettle when boiling water – £13 saved
- Use your washing machine on a 30C max temperature cycle – £30 saved
- Only run your dishwasher when it is full – £30 saved
- Close your curtains at the end of the day, to stop heat escaping through the windows
- Fully turn off leaking taps
- Set the thermostat on your hot water tank to 60C – this is likely to be found inside a cupboard.
Free advice
Councillor Mitchie Alexander, chair of the Poverty Reduction Steering Group, said: “There is lots of help available to residents who are struggling with understanding or paying energy bills this winter and it’s great that Citizens Advice and BHESco are there to provide this support through their Energyworks service.
“We would also urge landlords and letting agents to take advantage of the free advice on offer and play their part in supporting tenants by making the homes they let out more energy efficient.
"Older people struggling to pay their energy bills can contact the council’s Brighton & Hove Fuel Payment support directly by calling 01273 293117, option 2."
Help and support to keep warm and save money
Eileen Hadden, who was helped by Energyworks when she received exceptionally high energy bills and was living in very poor, damp and mouldy conditions, said: “A massive thank you for the amazing support from you for what I feel saved my life. I was dreading the winter sleeping with my coat on in bed, with my health deteriorating.
“My bills have halved, the wet walls are now dry, and my home is warm again and when I put my electric fleece blanket on, I feel the warmth of your supportive hug, I feel blessed.”
Jo Muntus, project manager of Energyworks, said: “Whether people are struggling to pay energy bills, unable to top up their prepayment meter or not sure what energy support is available, there is advice that can help at the Energyworks online advice service, through the Energyworks helpline or in person at one of our drop-ins.
“We can help with understanding energy bills, making sure you’re not paying more than you should and negotiating with your supplier. We can advise on how to reduce energy use and costs and on making your home warmer and more energy efficient. We can also make sure you’re receiving all the financial support you are eligible for and provide advice on other energy-related issues.”
More about Energyworks
Energyworks is a partnership project between Citizens Advice Brighton & Hove and Brighton & Hove Energy Services Co-op (BHESCo). It provides energy advice and support to residents experiencing fuel poverty.
For more information, call the Energyworks voicemail service on 0333 090 9150, leave a message and receive a call back within 24 hours. You can also send an email to: or come to the energy drop-in advice service: Thursdays, 1:15pm at Tisbury Road Offices, Hove Town Hall, Tisbury Road, Hove, BN3 3BQ
The one-to-one advice service supports people in the following postcodes: BN1, BN2 BN3, BN41; their Energyworks online advice service is available to anyone.
Brighton & Hove Fuel Payment
Extra support is available this winter if you are of pensionable age and struggling to pay your energy bills because you no longer receive a Winter Fuel Payment from the government.
We can help with:
- providing one-off direct financial support if you are struggling to heat your home or pay your energy bills
- checking your eligibility for Pension Credits and helping you to make an application
- energy advice on keeping warm in an affordable way this winter.
If you need extra support this winter, visit our request help and support page or call our Community Hub helpline on 01273 293117 (option 2).
The Community Hub helpline is open 10am-4.30pm, Monday-Friday.
Support with the cost of living
You can find information on help and support available on our support with the cost of living web pages and the government’s Keeping warm and well: staying safe in cold weather webpages.
Our support with the cost of living pages include emergency help and money advice, information on eligibility for discounts on energy bills, and advice and tips and about saving energy, keeping your home warm and staying safe in the cold.
For more useful tips and information about saving energy explore the Energy Saving Trust and Money Saving Expert websites.
Energy Savers Week
Energy Savers Week, led by Citizens Advice and the Energy Saving Trust, takes place every year and this year runs from 20-26 January 2025.