How to claim Child Benefit
Child Benefit is a payment that offers extra financial help for parents and carers, find out more and how to apply.
About Child Benefit
You get Child Benefit if you’re responsible for bringing up a child. Child Benefit stops on the last day of August after they have turned 16 years old unless they continue in education or training.
For payments to continue, your parent or guardian must tell the Child Benefit office that you are staying in approved education or training.
Extended Child Benefit
If you have left education and you are not planning to return, your parent or guardian can apply for Extended Child Benefit. This is as long as you are registered with your local careers service or have signed up to join the armed forces.
This will extend the Child Benefit payments for 20 weeks following the date you left your course of education.
Youth Employability Service
Your local careers service is the Youth Employability Service.