Abinger Road, 87, Portslade
Two-storey detached villa, dating to the mid-19th Century and first shown on the c.1890 ordnance survey map.
Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Two-storey detached villa, dating to the mid-19th Century and first shown on the c.1890 ordnance survey map. The property is set back from the road behind a front garden bounded by low render walls with piers and railings to the front and flint walls to the sides. Its alignment – and that of the neighbouring cottages - respects that of adjacent Crown Works, Crown Road. Rendered with a hipped roof.
Prominent central portico surmounted by two balls and finials. Canted bay windows to either side of the portico. All windows have been altered to uPVC. The building was formerly known as Abinger Villa, and was built by Frederick Peters. Source: Middleton 2002
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. An earlier example of a residential building in this part of the city, as indicated through its design, detailing and relationship with the road. Number 87 is of a higher status and quality than surrounding housing.
C. Townscape interest
ii. The house makes a positive contribution to the street scene.
E. Rarity and representativeness
i. Number 87 is a good example of a design and form of building which is uncommon in the locality, and is representative of the early history of the area.
Date of Inclusion

Contact information
87 Abinger Road, Portslade