Albion Hill, 62, Montreal Arms, Brighton
Historical building, public house. Two storey corner building, tiled to ground floor, rendered to first. Tiled hipped roof with deep eaves.
Asset type
Historic building - Public house
Conservation Area (CA)
Local Listing Reference
Two storey corner building, tiled to ground floor, rendered to first. Tiled hipped roof with deep eaves. Corner entrance, with further door and two windows to each elevation. It is likely that the windows originally contained stained glass (such as that to the Horse & Groom, Islingword Road or Rose Hill Tavern, Rose Hill Terrace), which no longer survives. Fascia refers to the ‘United’ Brewery. This is a reference to the Portsmouth & Brighton United Breweries Ltd. This brewery was formed by the merger of the Portsmouth United brewery and Brighton's Rock brewery in 1927. The green-tiled frontage is typical of that company's design. Paired windows above. Pub sign set above main entrance within canted corner.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
i. A good example of a regional approach to public house frontage design
B. Historic and evidential interest
ii. The green-tiled frontage is indicative of the ‘United Breweries’, a local brewery company who owned a number of pubs in the area, including for example the Heart & Hand, North Road and Horse & Groom, Islingword Road.
C. Townscape interest
ii. Not within a conservation area, the building contributes greatly to the streetscene
F. Intactness
i. The building retains its design integrity, despite replacement windows.
Date of inclusion

Contact information
Albion Hill, 62, Montreal Arms, Brighton