Bedford Place, 3, Brighton
Number 3 Bedford Place is a small early-mid 19th century townhouse on three floors plus basement.
Asset type
Historic building - House
Local Listing Reference
Conservation Area (CA)
Regency Square CA
Number 3 Bedford Place is a small early-mid 19th century townhouse on three floors plus basement. It has a curved bay window to the ground, first and second floors (that to the ground floor is smaller than that to the first and second floor), with a decorative cast iron balcony to the first floor. The original curved, small-paned design of windows was reinstated in 2000 (BH2000/03181/FP). The principal elevation is rendered, with rusticated bands to the ground floor. Black and white tiled steps with marble nosings lead to the front door. Number 2 Bedford Place (grade II listed) is located immediately next door, and is of a very similar design.
A. Architectural, design and artistic interest
ii. A good quality small-scale Regency townhouse
v. Aesthetically-pleasing design, especially in association with number 2 Bedford Place
C. Townscape interest
iv. Group value through its association with the neighbouring grade II listed 2 Bedford Place
F. Intactness
i Following the reinstatement of its original windows, the property now displays a sense of completeness, including good quality steps, railings, door and stucco detailing.
Date of inclusion

Contact information
3 Bedford Place, Brighton